Look Into Your Eyes and the Sky's the Limit

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And fluff for this chapter because you guys deserve it ;3


"Alex, go to sleep.." John groaned, yawning.

"I don't need sleep, John, I had a five minute nap this afternoon between essays. You need sleep. Look at how tired you are!"

Everything was back to normal. Or at least, that's what they kept telling themselves. John felt a little awkward- until he would look at Alex, and recognize him for the broken, kept toy that he is. And loving every part of him. (like his dick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"A five minute... nap!" John repeated incredulously, yawning the word "nap".

"John, you need to go to sleep."

"Not until you do!" He replied with a mischievous smile. A teeny-tiny nagging voice at the back of John's head questioned if he was being stupid for going back to Alex- being easy, or weak. But, John couldn't really help the butterflies he got in his stomach whenever Alex looked him in the eye, could he?

"...Fine." Alex pouted adorably.

"You're so cute." John mumbled, making Alex's face burn red.

"I'm only staying until you fall asleep, then I'm getting up..." Alex said, trying to hide his blush. John was quick to reply with a knowing grin, "Then I won't fall asleep."

Alex let out a defeated sigh, rolling his eyes. 

"Well, come on then!" John patted the bed next to him, and Alex cuddled up in the covers. John put an arm around him, allowing him to curl up on John's chest and fall asleep in minutes. "God, I love you..." John muttered. Alex stirred slightly. "John, go on a date with me.." He said without opening his eyes. He was half-asleep, and yet could still render John into a flustered mess. At least now he couldn't see it.

"Where, and when?" John asked.

"I want to go..." Alex adjusted his position, and John thought he had fallen back asleep. "I wanna go to a playground." 

John laughed slightly, "A playground?"

"I wanna go to a... a playground. Real late at night, when nobody's around..."

And with that he fell asleep. For real this time. John sighed, and curled up around him. "Goodnight, Alex."



"I am not a cat!" John said exasperatedly. 

"You are so a cat!" Alex chuckled as he typed away on his keyboard. Alex woke up far earlier than John to work on an essay, and when John woke up Alex called him a cat. They were currently having an argument about whether or not John was like a cat, one which Alex was determined to win.

"Alex," John whined, stretching (like a cat). "How am I a cat?"

"Well..." Alex started, turning to face John. "Cats are adorable, and they sleep a lot and when they do it makes them look even cuter. And they have these big, beautiful eyes! Cats eyes are always gorgeous. And, they try and distract you from you're work, and with anything else you wouldn't listen but they are just so amazing you can't help but comply. There's more," Alex assured him.

John was looking down to hide his blush, but Alex could still see it.

"Well you are also a cat, 'cause cats are assholes." He mumbled.

Alex gasped dramatically. "Excuse me?" 

"You heard me."

"I just told you some really nice things that I love about you, and that's how you repay me? I thought we were boyfriends!" He held a hand up to his forehead like women do in the movies before they faint.

John got up, rolling his eyes, and waked over to Alex. He lifted his chin and planted a kiss right on Alex's lips.

"Mm, thanks for that, kitty. I forgive you."

John groaned at the nickname, pouting.

"See? I told you, cats are adorable!" Alex grinned.

John isn't getting any better at hiding blushes.


"Let's go on a date." John said suddenly. Alex had just come back from class. Alex looked a little surprised, but quickly smiled. "Where?"

John didn't have to think about it. "A playground. Late at night, when nobody's around." He smiled knowingly, wondering for a second if Alex remembered what he said last night.

"That sounds a bit odd."

"You wanted it," John reminded him. "You asked me last night when you were asleep. So let's go.. tonight?"

Alex smiled. "Alright."

"It feels... so weird to be back." John said strangely. "Back?" Alex asked with raised eyebrows. John forgot that Alex couldn't read his mind, because sometimes... it seemed like he could.

"When we were split up," John began cautiously, and Alex's eyes found the floor shamefully. "I..I disconnected myself from the world." 

John didn't mean to bring up things from that time, knowing it was a rough patch for the both of them, but he couldn't help it.

"And now I'm back, and I- oh my god." Alex quirked an eyebrow, silently asking him to share his thoughts.

"Peggy! What happened with her and Mariah?!" 

Alex flinched at the name, but he tried to cover it with a cough. John pretended he didn't notice. "Peggy left her... and they weren't as fortunate as us."

"Oh my god, Peggy... why don't we try and get them back together?"John asked hopefully, excitement sparking in his eyes.

"Because... the reason she didn't forgive Mariah, was because, um.." Alex scooted closer to John. "I- well, I wasn't... that wasn't the first time she had cheated on Peggy. She had a string of other lovers... male, and female... drunk, and sober." Alex said carefully.

"Peggy... I want to comfort her, but I know how she would react to this... and we should give her some space for a while. She'll come to us when she's ready." John decided.

"I love you, John."

"I love you, too."


"Ready?" Alexander asked.

"Yeah, let me just-" He was interrupted by the ring of his phone. "Oh, let me take this and then we'll go?"

Alex nodded.

Little did John know, that this would be the third time he learned how easily a phone call could hurt him.

a/n: hey there guys. soo PLEASE READ THIS IT IS IMPORTANT

hey so um I was wondering if you guys wanted to do a character q&a? I mean,, if you guys want to. You can leave more than one question if you want, but if you wanna do this then feel free to comment questions for each character (can be any character i have mentioned, including minor characters)

if i get enough questions, then you should look forward to the next chapter, which may not rip your soul out through your face and stab you like it would have.


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