05. worth a thousand words

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"How're things going with you two, huh? He treatin you alright, Miss Ana–lilah?" Mills asks, his arm draped over Slivko.

I ignore Mills' question, scowling at Slivko instead. The bastard smiles at me, but it's one of those "I win," smiles – not an apologetic one.

"Great," he says, acknowledging Mills.

I scoff in disagreement, but as I'm turning to find Mason, she pops up behind me with her camera in hand.

"Hey, guys, how's it going? Mind if I take a few shots?" she asks, preparing to snap some photos, smiling.

"Shots? Girl, you better not be planning on gunning us down," Mills jokes, referring to the other definition of "shots."

Mason laughs at Mills' sorta dumb joke, and Mills, thankful for the laugh strikes a pose with Slivko for Mason. She snaps the shot, and something clicks inside of the soldiers. It's like they feel like models all of a sudden, and they start posing all sorts of ridiculous ways.


A song that sounds familiar starts playing on a turn-table and I can tell they're gonna get rowdy. I step back, closer to Mason and further from the guys, wanting to stay out of their way. The song must have been mentioned in a letter dad sent me..

Mason gives me a curious look in between clicks of her camera, and I try to send her a message with my eyes, but she's too busy fooling around with the rest of the guys.

Maybe I am just a "Stuck Up Writer Lady," I wonder, remembering what Slivko said before. Jeeze, I gotta let loose.

"Hey Del, get on in there," Mason urges me, nodding towards the new models she's photographing.

"I'm good," I say.

"Nah, come on," Mills says, excitedly. "Here, Reg and I'll make it easier for ya," he says, pulling his army-green t-shirt over his head, revealing a deeply-toned, muscle-y chest.

Wait, what? Whyyy? I internally groan, regretting my previous determination to come along with Mason on this trip.

Mills is flexing now, and Slivko is pulling his shirt off now, and oh my lord, who knew soldiers could be such dorks?

I mean, they aren't exactly bad to look at..

From behind my back, Mason pushes me forward and I stumble into both of the shirtless young men who catch me in their arms. She snaps a shot of me in all of my awkward glory

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