Chapter 2

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As I got dressed i started to think about that figure that I saw at the beach. But then I heard a knock on my dorms door," I'll be out in a second" You then got your clothes on grange your keys and went out the door to see everyone all dressed ans ready to go then Sheldon walks up to me and say you ready to go Legend?" He asked," Yup. let's load up!!" You said for everyone to hear you and everyone went out to their cars as I got to my motorcycle and started to drive, everyone followed and we were driving for an good 30 minutes until we got to an stop light and we all stopped. Peppy stopped right next to me with 5 other girls of the mob with her, we had 6 girls in the mob including me. She had her music in and it has all of our favorite songs that we like to dance to( the song at the top), we both looked at each other and smiled knowing that of course as girls we were going to jam out to it,"WOOOO!!!" Peppy cheered for everyone to hear and she turned up the volume and behind us we see the mob jammin to the song and we become an line of song lovers, but it didn't last long when the light turned green and we all started to drive again.

Time Skip
We finally got to the restraunt, as we parked in the parking lot I waited for everyone to come and then we want inside. I was the first to come in see the front desk to see an spider like monster," hello how may I help you" she asked," Hi can I have a table for 24 please" you said like as if it was normal to have that many people to come to an restraunt,"Hm, 24?" She said with an confused look, and then she looked behind you and Sheldon to see a crowd of people with you, she then looked back at you and gave you the most shocked look ever,"Well it seems that you brought an party with you" she said," But that won't be a problem we'll just divide you into different table" she said with an positive attidude," But can we have our table near each other?" Sheldon asked her," Why of course, now follow me" she demanded and we followed her to an room full of tables. We then sat down in different tables, and there were just a perfect amount of seats for everyone to take." Now that your all cozy we will have service come to you shortly, thank you for coming to the food pail" she then left and as she did we all started to talk and an few of us went up to get food." Hey Y/N you alright?" Asked peppy with an worried look on her face," Yeah why ask?" You said with an confused look,"Well you were just staring off into space, so I just thought that you were deep in thought" she said," Well if I was staring off into space then doesn't that make me a star ;)" you said making everyone lagh at you joke," Ok Ok, I was just checking" she then starts to talk to Sheldon and Nathan. But then at the corner of my eye I look to see that goat that I saw earlier, he has a plate full of food decent enough for an good dinner until some teenage girls bumped into him and made him drop everything,'Woah that's NOT cool' you thought to yourself watching this scene happen."Hey! watch where your going freak!" One of them said," S-sorry" said the goat kid putting his food back on his plate," You better be" another one said, and this triggered me,' Ok that's it!' You say to yourself you then get up and walk over to the buffet area." Hey!" I said getting their attention,"WHAT!" She said with an whole lot of sass," excuse me, but I think that you need to know who your talking to" I say getting angry," I can talk to you however I want" one of them said," I want you to apologize to this young monster NOW!" they all look at me," oh yeah and what happens if we don't?" One of them said and that question really angered me. I looked down and slowly looked back up making the 'fury face', it's a face I make that signals that I am NOT playing your stupid games and I use all the time on the mob if they are doing something that they are not suppose to. They teens girls then started to look frightened by my expression and decided to apologize to the goat boy and they ran away," HEY that was incredible" you look to the side of you and spot the goat boy looking at me with an amazed look on his face," Heh thanks, let me help you there" you say helping him pick the food up and get a new dish." Thank you miss..."," you can call me Y/N" I said to him," Well miss Y/N it is nice to meet you I'm Asriel and I really hope to see you again" he then jumped up.And hugged you and you hugged back," bye friend" he said and ran to his table," hehe what a nice kid. Welp sense I'm already here might as well get myself something to eat" I say to myself and grab myself a plate and start to scavenge for food.

Time Skip
As I make it to my table I get started on my food and so does a few other people.

As I go to get my food I accidentally bumped into 3 teenage girls and I dropped all of my food,' Oh no' I say to myself and then I hear one of then," Hey watch where your going freak!" She says with anger, I started to get scared," S-sorry" I said hoping that they would except my apology,"You better be" another one said I then started to cry as I was picked up my food off the floor until I hear," Hey!" From in front of me I then look up to see a girl a little bit older than then walk up to us. They were threatening each other until I hear the girl say," Apologize to this young monster" and this caught me by suprise," Yeah and what happens if we don't?" She asked, but after that I look back at the girl and she is making an face that says 'Back Off!' I then hear the teen's say,"we're sorry for our attitudes" and the all walked away, I then look at the girl with the most suprised face I got,"HEY that was incredible" I said in amazement," Heh thanks. Here let me help you out there" she says as she helped me pick up my food and got me new dish. After that I thanked and got her name,' wow she is the nicest person I've ever met on the surface' and before I left I gave her a big hug. I then left saying bye to the new friend I just made." Oh hello asriel did you get what you want" mom said," yes but I dropped when these mean girls bumped into me, but then a nice human girl came up and helped me out and got me a new dish" I say to my mom also getting frisk attention with my story," Well isn't that lovely, it sounds like that you made a new friend" mom said with a smile, I then get tapped on the shoulder by frisk and I turn around to look at her( yes frisk is a girl, so is chara deal with it)." How about we invite her over so then we can meet her" she signed,"oh well that sounds like an lovely idea" my mom said agreeing to what frisk said," Ok then let's go look for her" I said excitedly as me and frisk go to get Y/N.

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