Chapter 1: Alicia Klarson

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You could ask everyone in the Hartvig Nissen School, no one knew who Alicia Klarson was, neither who she hang out with. She was invisible. Until she wasn't.

MONDAY 7:50am

"Ready sweetheart?" Lillian looked to her daughter, "Alicia?"

"Ah..." The blonde tried to smile, "I guess."

"Hey," Her mom reached for one lock of hair and put it behind the girl's ear, "You'll make a lot of friends. You'll see."

"I know, I know, mom."

Alicia kissed Lilian goodbye and left the car while holding her black bagpack tightly. Her mom drove off and she was left completely alone. She decided it was best to just get into the buiding so she wouldn't seem some weirdo.

"Hey, where do y-."

The girl dropped the books on the ground with the impact of another body on hers. The other girl smiled quickly and apologized, continuing on her way. Alicia was left behind to grab her books on her own. Great.

When Alicia got ready to walk again to her first class, she felt eyes on her. Turning to her right, she noticed a girl with light-brown, auburn hair wearing a knit beanie. The girl looked away when they made eye contact. Alicia bit her lip and got courage to approach the girl.

She tapped the girl on her sweater elbow, "Hi."

The girl smiled softly, "Hello."

"I'm Alicia Klarson. I'm new here."

"Eva." The other introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you." Alicia then sat down on the free chair, "Can you believe I just got pushed around on my first day?"

Eva glanced at her and giggled, opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the bell. Alicia didn't want to be late, so she packed her things and waved goodbye to Eva, and quickly walked away.


Alicia couldn't stay without eating another minute. Standing in front of the vending machine, she stared at the variety of food behind the glass. Slowly she slip the bill into the machine, ordering a bag of cookies.

Alicia wondered around School and saw the same girl from earlier –Eva. She seemed to notice her too as she flashed her a welcoming smile. Reaching the top of the stairs, Alicia saw two boys with Eva. One of them was Isak, she recognized, from many of her classes that day.

"Alicia, hey!" Eva said, she that turned to the boys, "This is my boyfriend, Jonas. And this is my boyfriend's boyfriend, Isak."

"I have met Isak." The blonde girl smiled softly.

"Yes, we have. We have classes together." The boy confirmed.

"That's great!" Her new friend got excited.

The four of them started talking about all kinds of things. They all laughed and giggled about the teacher and different rumors. Isak and Jonas left the two girls alone.

"Wait, I should introduce you to my russ buss." Eva remembered, "Come on."

Alicia followed Eva towards a large outdoor courtyard full of students. It was full, with groups sitting everywhere.

"Russ buss?" Alicia tilted her head to the side.

"I know." Was all Eva said.

The duo approached a group of girls who were in deep discussion over something on one of the girl's phones.

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