Jokes On You- Part 1

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I felt like I was suffocating on my own breath, unable to exhale and the air catching painfully in my throat. My lungs burned in a fiery compression, eyes widening in panic as I realized what was happening.

Golden light was shrouded around me in painstakingly bright flashes, blinding me from the rest of the room. It grew brighter and the ringing in my ear grew louder. I felt myself scream, but I could not hear it. I felt the tears on my cheek, but I couldn't open my eyes enough to let the floodgates open.

The light filled the room, searing past my eyelids like they were only glass. The world was ending and I couldn't catch a single breath. All I wanted to do was breath.


Can't breathe.

I was shaking as I sat up in bed. My heart beating faster than I thought was humanly possible, pounding painfully against my ribcage. The first thing I felt as my thoughts cleared for the smallest of moments was that I could breathe, but it hurt. It ached to take in the air as if I had actually held my breath.

Cold sweat traced a line down my forehead and pooled around my neck, making my limbs stick to the comforter in an unfitting manner. My head was still reeling, even a dull ache sprouted like a weed in the back of my skull. My breath still came in short pants, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room as if I had been in light. Everything had felt so real.

It was terrifying, derived of all all the things I used so much, all I could do was feel. Feel the burning light against my skin, and the rearing in the ringing in my ears. I could still feel, feel the vibrations in my chest, the fear from the shaking of my hands. I could still feel the realness as I collapsed back in a heap onto my pillow, the warm fabric attaching uncomfortably to the back of my neck.

My heart never slowed.

I was too focused on counting the beats of my heart that I didn't register the padding feet down the hall. My breath caught again as the door opened slightly, to wear only a sliver of light peeked through the crack. It creaked open further and all I did in response was try to hide my flushed face under my forearm.

"Are you alright?" A soft voice shrouded though the room, and there was plenty of ways I could think of to answer the Wonder Boy. 'Do I look alright?', 'To be honest, I was pretty sure I died there for a second' and my personal favorite 'F*** off!'. None of which were spoken.

"Yeah..." I responded between heavy breaths, my chest rising visibly.

He came in farther and sat on the edge of the bed, dipping it down stiffly. I still didn't look at him.

"I heard screaming." I would have shrugged, but it was like all my muscles had atrophied.



"Do you want to talk about it?" Was the first thing he said after a moment.

I gnawed on my lip at the thought. That was possibly the last thing I wanted to do, spill all my secrets after one measly nightmare depicting my death. Of course the only reason why it was measly was because it wasn't a nightmare. It was what was to come and it showed itself behind my eyes more often th I would like. So no, he didn't need to know that.

"Just a nightmare, it's not that important." I murmured into my forearm.

"It sounded like it was important."

Something boiled inside my chest, made for even more constricted breaths. I was trying my best to not snap at him, tell him to leave in a manner that would be considered slightly rude.

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