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Chapter 8


I stood there glaring. Jack tried to grab my gun and I pulled out the other pistol and aimed it at him. "I don't want to shoot you but I will," I warned looking between the two. "Let's just sit and talk this out calmly," Natalia said pulling her redder auburn hair into a ponytail. It was pin straight and she was wearing a purple button down that had long lace sleeves and skinny jeans. Her eyes where a crystal blue and she had a light amount of freckles on her face. She had a stud nose piercing, single holes containing diamond studs, and then her right cartilage was the only other piercing and it had a small hoop. She had hightop converse and had light skin and was perfectly skinny. She was too stereotypically pretty. She wasn't even wearing make-up she just naturally looked like that. Owen walked over and stood in front of her. "Put the gun down," he said. "Not until you take HER out," I demanded. "Look I know you've been under alotta stress Jodie but Natalia is here she has been here even before you," Owen said. "Take her out and I'll put the gun down," I insisted. "Jodie I'm your frie-" she started but I cut her off "Don't fucking start. I never forget people especially not my friends I only have 4 and you're not one of them." I saw them exchanging glances. Ianto tried to inject a sedative I shot the needle after kicking it out of his hands and shot Natalia in the leg as she ran at me and Jack in the arm. I jumped over the rail and ran to my room locking the door. I shot the cameras and sealed off the vents so they can't send any gasses through it. I stood behind the door and Gwen was banging. "Jodie! Open up," She shouted. "NO," I shouted back. I saw as Aiden went through the door Gwen was holding a sedative and he ripped it out of her hand chucking it at a wall where it shattered. The lights started to flicker and the computers started going on and off. A few chairs flipped. "AIDEN STOP!" I shouted. I watched him dig up Ianto's diary. He dropped it on the table and a note that said.

'Read aloud'

I went back to my normal vision and it stopped. I listened through the door. I heard muffled reading. I heard as they came back and started to bang on the door. "Stand back," I heard Jack say. I ran to the bathroom and climbed on top of the toilet into a hidden patch that was faulty. I covered it back up and watched what Aiden saw. Jack kicked my door down. Somehow Natalia was in the diary..... She was acting innocent and telling Jack to stop. She kissed him. She KISSED HIM!? No. no. NOPEY NOPE NOPE! Jack and Ianto are practically a couple I see it in the way they look at each other. Owen and Gwen seeming different makes sense. Now that I think about it they all seemed different. Ianto appeared to not care as much. Owen seemed too innocent and like a lost puppy and Gwen seemed.... well Gwen was still Gwen internally. I stayed quiet. "Jodie," Owen called out. They couldn't find me. I inched back quietly. "There's a faulty tile," Gwen said and moved it I inched back until I was above my bed. She jumped up and looked around. She didn't see me. "No she's not up there," Gwen said. I didn't bother wipe away the tear trailing down my cheek. My only friends don't believe me. Who is Natalia? I waited for them to leave. I turned on a flash light and looked up. I was underneath a man hole cover. I stood up a bit and had to stay hunched over. 300 lbs I don't know if I can do that. I focused some of my energy and Aiden helped me lift it and move it over. I climbed up into the quiet road. It was blocked off for road work further down. I climbed out and fixed it. I wiped my bloody nose and ran towards the public library. I only had £50 in my pocket and I don't know how long I'll last. I need to focus. Her name was Natalia Erin Smith. I looked it up on the computer after entering. I hacked in and used a secret server no one could trace. I typed Natalia Erin Smith. I closed my eyes remembering her tag 5/8/1994.

Thank you photographic memory. I typed in the information and nothing came up. I took a photo. I updated and there it was only updated in 2 seconds ago I took a photo of the time. I shut it off and walked out. I saw the Jack walking in front of me. Only Jack. I looked around. I started in the opposite direction I heard Natalia join him. "I think I might've seen her." I started running and took a sharp turn down the alley. I used a breathing exercise to make sure I wouldn't start cramping. I sprinted someone was running behind me. I ran faster and skidded around another corner. I was tackled and fell to the ground. I flipped them over and I whipped out my pistol out of my pocket to their head. It was Owen. He looked at me wide eyed. "Jodie, It's me Owen," he said. "No you're not Owen. The Owen I know isn't as innocent I don't know what she did but Natalia changed all of you, she literally did not exist until two seconds ago," I said giving him my phone and standing up. "I believe you. I'm nit going to take you in," he reassured. "I still have to go until I can prove it. Just show them the photos. Say I got away," I explained jumping up the fire escape and running up to the roof. I ran to the ledge and looked across. I went back and got a running start before leaping across to long apartment building and I climbed down and ran. I caught a bus that was just taking off. I rode a mile and got off at the last stop. I walked to a bridge and went under it. It wasn't a bad shelter. I had been homeless in the streets before. I just laid on an old bed it had nothing wrong with it except it was falling apart.

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