7. The Mentor

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I cried for almost half an hour just thinking about the kind of life I’m stuck in.  I felt like I didn’t belong.  Sadly though my mother was definitely my mother.  I have her hair and eyes.  My dad’s nose, mouth, and calm demeanor.

I kept wishing something would happen.  I know something has.  I now have just a little bit of freedom, but I need something big.

Suddenly I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand.

I quickly got up and answered it.  I didn’t have time to check the name, but honestly there are really only two people with my number right now.


“Hey Mags! How’d the dinner go?!” Declan’s excited voice blew through the phone and I couldn’t help but smile just a little bit.

“It went well.” I said kind of quietly.

“Hold on, why do you sound like you’ve been crying.  What happened?”

“Nothing bad.  My mother is going to let me go to Lyn’s house now, but…” I paused.

“But what?”

“She’s a horrid person!” I exclaimed.

“Woah woah woah, tell me what happened Maggie.”

“She was faking the entire night because she thought that we might as well settle with them as friends for me.  That there wouldn’t be anyone better.  There isn’t, but it’s the fact that the whole night she was looking down on them and being a condescending b-”

“Condescending what?”

“Bitch!” I couldn’t believe I called her that, but at the same time it felt so invigorating finally saying it out loud.

He sighed, “Maggie calm down, I completely understand how you’re feeling, but she is your mother.”

“I know.” I said quietly.  “You’re right I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, you should’ve, because the way she acted it’s deserved.  I was just worried she might hear you.” He said chuckling.

I began giggling too, “Good point.”

“There’s a laugh.  Listen my suggestion is to look at the positives.  You get to go to Lyn’s now and that means we can spend more time with each other too.”

My cheeks heated up and I got a goofy grin on my face.  “Yeah…we do.” I said.  Once again he can’t see my blush, but I still covered my face with my sheets.

“So, I was thinking that maybe you can see if you can go to Lyn’s tomorrow and I’ll head over later.  Her mom loves me and won’t mind me just popping in.”

“I don’t think her mom minds anyone just popping in.  She’s so kind.”

“Yeah she is.”

“But yes, I will see if my mother will let me go.  I hope she will.”

“I’m sure she will.  It’ll be fun too.  We can have a movie marathon.”

“A movie marathon?! That sounds amazing!”

“Yeah, so what’s your favorite movie?”

I hesitated, “Uh…well…I don’t really have one.”

“What? How can you not have a favorite movie?”

“Well…I’ve never really seen a good one I guess.  My mom makes me watch documentaries most of the time.”

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