The Pain Inside

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The Pain Inside

It is like darkness, devouring, the essence of your existence.

It is like drowning, endlessly, without any means of an escape.

It is a scorching, blistering, persistent feeling within your anatomy.

It is as if you can sense your heart being smothered by some discarded plastic bag.

It is a nauseating sentiment, a hopeless, helpless mess.

It is crying without tears, and yelling without words, completely muted.

The pain inside, cannot be healed,

it cannot be described.

It can only be felt.

By how many, I am unsure.

All that I am sure of, is that this,

this is pure torment,

constantly being one meltdown away from impending doom.

This is ... the pain inside.

This is depression.

Poetry In Progress by A.SCWhere stories live. Discover now