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I'm sure you're reading this and wondering why the title says preface instead of prologue. I assure you, it's not a typo. I'm writing this preface to wrap up a few important things as I begin the final book in the Book Attack Series, Defeat. If you don't care, you can skip this if you want, but there will be some important information so I suggest you read on. I have three topics I want to discuss in this preface.

First - My Regards

As my loyal readers, you know that each of the characters I created in this book is based off of a real person in my life, whether it be a friend, enemy, teacher, etc. To begin my last book in the series, I would like to thank each and every person who was selected to become a character in this story:

To Blaze ~ the real-life Alison Acre, Ginger Bellatrix, and Queen of Verbal Irony, whose constant wisecrack humor and misconception of the word sport continue to make my life an interesting type of hell

To MacKenzie B. ~ the real-life McKenna Mustache and Malfoy, whose obsession with mustaches and pancakes and complete willingness to be pretty much anybody's slave continue to make my life a lot simpler

To Ty ~ the real-life Tanner Fancie and Ginger Snape, whose obsession with Disney and creepy facial expressions will always encourage me to demand his thin mints

To Montana ~ the real-life Nevada Springs, who despite moving to Maryland will remain one of my closest friends for life

To Mia ~ the real-life Ida Pearl Jefferson James, whose complete failure to distinguish between real-life and fantasy will forever keep me entertained

To Ion ~ the real-life Cassidy Griffin, whose love of sarcastic facial expressions and grits will always haunt my memories

To Logan ~ the real-life Lucas Rothchild, whose eidetic memory and constant winning of Boarder Brain will forever drive me insane

To Sassy ~ the real-life George Ramzel, whose sassy attitude will forever establish the nickname of Sassy-pantaloons

To Chase ~ the real-life Carson Circe, who is probably the closest the world will ever come to a baseball player with common sense, which is quite sad actually

To Joss ~ the real-life Jordan Prolixon, who will remain one of the sweetest friends I've ever known

To Mel ~ the real-life Melanie Pastini, who managed to get a character based off of her despite us barely being able to tolerate each other (Well done, young grasshopper), and whose recent tragic experience will affect us all forever (We're all here for you, hun)

To Snelly ~ the real-life Amy Peer, whose adorable Russian-American accent, quirky shyness, and involvement in NJROTC will forever perplex me

To Shmitty ~ the real-life Phil Winston, whose annoying, smart-Alec attitude somehow failed to find its way into my book

To New-Kid Noah ~ the real-life Nathan Zoën, whose awesome hugs, which are the best in the world, can make anyone smile, even the MacKenzie

To Percy ~ the real-life Makayla Annichoma, whose complete awesomeness inspired me to make a new character over half way through my series, and whom everyone will love and miss when she moves to Hawaii this summer

To Gabe ~ the real-life Gary DeSota, whose annoyingness and obsession with strange hats continue to annoy everybody in existence (especially when he says a Leonardo DiCaprio joke or asks if his character's name is Luna)

To My School's Blonde Popular Chick ~ the real-life Ellen Etchelle, whose stereotypical attitude and complete idiocy made it quite simple to create a female antagonist

To Rizzi ~ the real-life Ms. Cibo, whose love of food automatically makes her worthy of a regard

Second - Changes

This is the part where you people will get confused if you don't read. So I suggest you read. This final book is going to be a bit different from the others in two different ways:
First - Sequencing

In this book there will be no set chapter order. Basically, instead of going "Annabeth, Percy, Grover, Repeat", we'll be going "Annabeth, Grover, Annabeth, Percy, Grover, Piper, Percy, Jason, etc." I know, I've blown your fragile minds. I apologize in advance, because the second thing is going to blow them even more...

Second - POV

For the final book, the chapters will be less limited. By this, I mean we will be reading both from characters' points of view (such as Alex and Jack) and hosts' points of view (such as Tanner and McKenna). In addition to this, chapters will now be written in first person point of view. So I won't write, "Maddie went to the zoo." Of course one of my characters is going to the zoo. Don't question me. No, instead, I shall write, "I went to the zoo."

Yep. I've blown your mind.

Third - My Thanks

To finish this preface, I'd like to thank all of you! My glorious, fantastical readers! Without you, I never would have gotten this far. It's because of you that I continue to write today! Thank you for being so totally awesome!

So that's all. Read on, my dear children. Read on.

Madeline Prince

Defeat (Book Attack Series: Book 9 - Alex Rider)Where stories live. Discover now