Chapter 51

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Justins POV:

At first, i sat there with my mouth wide open. I couldnt say anything, and alyssa definitely couldnt say anything. We sat there in silence. we were so quiet you could hear a drop of water fall on a cotton ball.

"Soo...!" Her mom kate said.

"What do you think!" Her dad dustin finally said. Alyssa sat there a second. Then took off. She ran straight thru the front door and i followed her. I ran after her, down the street, back up the street, around the block, and finally she reached the gates of the devolpment and i could breath to scream or even try to catch up to her. She was gone. I stopped and bent down and just sat in the middle of the street to catch my breath. I sit there for a second to catch my breath, then i pull my phone out of my pants pocket to call her parents.

Alyssas POV:

I sat there quietly. Sitting in a tree in the park justin and i had to run from because of the tornado. I watched as the big machines picked up all of the debree from ushers house and put it in a big dumpster. Suddenly, i see someone walking towards me. It wasnt Justin, the guy coming straight towards me was black. Justin is white but likes to think hes black. As the man comes closer, i can start to make out who he was.

"Alyssa?!" He scream. It was Usher.

"Oh hey." I said back kinda blankly.

"Whats wrong?!" He asked. "And why arent you with Justin.. Your always supposed to be with him. Hes trying to protect you.." Usher nagged.

"Yeah yeah i know, but i ran away. My moms freaking pregant, and they didnt tell me until 3 she was months along because of her 'bump'." i tried to explain.

"So you ran away because shes pregant and didnt tell you?" he asked.

"Yeah basically." I said. "And ever since i lost my memory, people have been really treating me different. I mean, i dont remember who i used to be, i only see my old self in magazines and videos and thats were i can tell who i was and how people treated me. My parents would tell me things the minute they happened, the paps wouldnt leave me alone, but the only i know for sure did not change.. Was how Justin treated me. He loved me just as much as he did then, and i can tell i love him just as much as i did then too. And thats true love."

We sat there for a second before he said something.

"Yes." He said. "Your right." he continued as he put his arms around the back of his neck. "true love is always tested in every relationship. And even after loosing your memory.. You fell right back in love with him. That is what i call true love." He said. All i did was nod.

Later that day

Alyssas POV:

"You cant make me." I said sternly to my parents.

"as your parents.." My dad said, "we really can."

"No, no you cant." I explained. "Sorry you cant send me to mental rehab." I said. "Why do i need mental rehab?!" I asked ticked off.

"Because. You've been running away a lot lately and we need you to know thats not okay." My mom said.

"Noted, are we done now?" I asked in a sassy tone.

"Dont you sass me." My mother said.

"We are your parents and we'll do whats best for you." My dad said.

"Wait.." I heard someone suddenly say as they lean up from against the wall. It was Justin. I just forgot he was there. "Actually, your not her father.." Justin said while pointing at the guy acting as my dad.

"Wait, what?" I asked really confused.

"I am your-" i cut him off.

"are you my father or not." I said calmly.

"Well-" i cut him off again.


"Not.." He said and shugged.


Authors note:

Sorry i havent updated guys! I had a wedding and im on spring break now so yay!(: thanks for reading(;


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