|Come Back to Me|

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*For DerekHaleGirl97*

"This is ridiculous," Cora said, her arms folded over her chest as she paced the floor of the Hale loft

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"This is ridiculous," Cora said, her arms folded over her chest as she paced the floor of the Hale loft. "We can't fight the alphas, Derek. I know you think we can but we can't."

"That's not true." Derek said with a sigh, shaking his head. "Look, we just need to figure out a strategy. If we can get a plan down, then maybe we can-"

"Derek," Elise sighed, placing a gentle hand on her best friend's shoulder. "I hate to say it, but Cora is right. This is too big, even for us." She said, shrugging her shoulders and shoving her hands into her pockets.

"Thank you!" Cora said, throwing a hand into the air. "We need to leave. Now. If we don't, we're all dead."

"She's right." Elise said with a nod. She then sighed, raking a hand through her hair. "I can buy you guys some time but you have to go. Fast."

"I'm sorry, what?" Derek said, whipping around on his heel to stare at his best friend. "You're coming with us, Elise."

"Someone has to stay and keep them busy. At least for a little while until they've figured out you're gone." Elise said, raising her eyebrows.

"And if they kill you?"

"They won't."

"You don't know that. If they find you, and you die, I-I don't-"

"Derek," Elise took a step forward, placing her hands gently on his cheeks. "I'll be careful. I swear."

Derek sighed, clenching his eyes shut and resting his forehead gently against hers. "Elise..."

"It's not forever." Elise murmured, brushing her thumb gently over the other werewolf's cheek. "I'll find you guys."

Derek finally forced himself to open his eyes and he looked into hers, his green hues sad and longing. He pulled her into a tight embrace, pressing his lips tenderly against her temple. "Please come back."

Elise nodded, closing her eyes and gently pressing her face into his shoulder. "I promise." She opened her eyes and looked at Cora over Derek's shoulder, who had tears in her eyes. The older werewolf smiled gently, pulling away from her best friend and making her way over to the younger girl. "And you," She said, gently taking her hands. "Take care of him for me. He'll need someone as strong as you to keep him straight." She winked, giving her hands a soft squeeze.

Cora smiled softly, letting a few tears fall from her eyes as she nodded. "I will. But just until you get back."

Elise smiled, nodding. "It's a deal."

Elise helped the two Hale siblings get their stuff together. Not too much, just enough to hold them over for a while but still leaving enough so the place didn't look too vacant. They wouldn't be able to bare that sight.

"Got everything?" Elise asked as she helped Cora zip her bag.

"I think so." Derek said, slinging his own bag over his shoulder as they made their way to the door of the loft.

"Good. I think I'll stay here at the loft if that's okay with you. After all, someone has to hold down the fort." Elise said with a small shrug.

"I think that's a good idea." Derek said, shooting her a small smile.

Before the two werewolves could do anything else, Cora was throwing herself at the older wolf in a hug, pressing her head into her neck.

Elise chuckled, hugging her tight. "I'll see you soon, kid. I promise."

Cora nodded, pulling back and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I'll be in the car." She said softly to Derek before turning around and making her way out the door.

Derek looked at his best friend, rubbing the back of his neck gently. "So, I guess we-"

"Derek," Elise whispered, stepping forward so they were nearly chest to chest.

The alpha felt tears prick his green eyes before swearing under his breath and pulling her into a tight embrace. Elise buried one of her hands into his hair, gently tangling her fingers in it as she pressed her face into his neck and took in as much of his scent as possible.

"I'll see you soon." Elise whispered, kissing his cheek tenderly as the two pulled away.

Derek brought a hand up to cup her cheek before pulling her close once more, pressing his lips tenderly against hers. Elise was surprised to say the least, but she draped both her arms around his neck, allowing herself to sink into him for one final time until they saw each other once again.

When they finally pulled away, Elise smiled. "You know," She whispered. "For a sour wolf, you are one hell of a kisser."

Derek grinned, pressing his lips against her forehead once more before forcing himself to let go of her. He squeezed her hand. "I'll see you soon."

"Yes you will." Elise whispered, taking a step back and sending him a reassuring smile.

Derek turned away, making his way towards the door. As he reached it, he turned back to her once more. "Elise?"


"Come back to me."

A/N- This was a lot of fun to write!! I hope you enjoyed!! ❤️ Love you guys so much!! ~Hayden 💕

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