|Non Compos Mentis|

Start from the beginning

"And don't call me Mom, you don't deserve to call me that title. Call me..Agnes." she says before setting the bones outside of the pentagram. The skull faced you, almost smiling wickedly. All of a sudden, you screamed out something. A spell.

"Protegas me, o sancte unum!" you say without thinking. Witches all around you collapse to the floor, and you watch as the skull shakes. Agnes looks at you shockingly, frozen in her place. You hyperventilate, your hand outstretched when you screamed.

"T-This can't be.." Agnes shouts, "YOUR SPECIES IS A MYTH!" she screams. She mumbles incoherent spells as she tries to stop the skull from shaking.

"It's IMPOSSIBLE!" Agnes screams. "Y-You can't be a-a...a Trianix!" she yells. You look at your hands, unsure of your power. A trianix?

Suddenly, spells and information cloud your mind. Your eyes glow a deathly white as a voice inside your head says something.

A Trianix. A being in which is Vampire, Werewolf, and Witch.

The voice says.

A being that's...Vampire, Werewolf, and Witch?

Levi's P.O.V.

I got up groggily, surrounded by sleeping vampires. Some were dead, some were alive. Blood stained my shirt as I got up. I suddenly remembered yesterday's events. I quickly get up, sprinting towards Erwin and Hanji.

"ERWIN! HANJI! THE COVEN! (Y/N)'s GONE!" I yell. I grip my hair, collapsing onto my knees. You could be dead..w-what would I do then? You were the light of my life, my one reason to continue.

What would I do?

Erwin gets up, wiping some dust from his shirt. He wakes up Hanji, whispering what I had said.

"We need reinforcements. We can't fight with the vampires here, they're all in horrible shape."

Hanji suddenly squeals.

"The werewolves! I can get my pack!" she says. I click my tongue.

"Those weaklings? They can't even--" but before I could finish, Erwin looks at me with death glare.

"What other reinforcements do we have, Levi?" Erwin hisses. I sigh, nodding.

Erwin looks at Hanji, and Hanji runs off in to get her pack. Erwin and I follow, as Hanji stops near a cave. She punches the door open, smoke and rubble surrounding us.

"Jesus, Hanji! What the he--IT'S VAMPIRES!" a voice screams. As the smoke cleared, at least a dozen werewolves were in fighting stances. I clicked my tongue

"Guys! These are my friends!" Hanji yells. The werewolves look at her suspiciously, cautiously lowering their hands. "(Y/N) has been kidnapped by witches. We all need to work together to save her!" Hanji says, explaining the situation.

"Hey! It's that vampire who killed Oluo!" a boy with chocolate hair and emerald eyes says accusingly. He lunges at me, before a girl with black hair pulls him back by the shirt.

"Eren. Please." She says. At the sound of her voice, he angrily settles down. Muttering the words. "You're not my Mom, Mikasa..!"

Hanji tells us what to do, explaining the plan in detail. After a few minutes, we all set out, running towards our destination. Massachusets, where the Salem Witch Trials occurred.

We're coming, (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I feel power surge through me, the voice in my head chanting spells.

Agnes looks at me, shocked and angry. "You! YOU DESTROYED THE SKULL! My dear John, oh my god! YOU BANISHED HIS SOUL! He's GONE!" she screams. She takes a knife, gripping it and walking towards you.

"Aperi, Domine sepulcrum. Et ultra" she says. The invisible barrier around you vanishes, the pentagram disappearing. She walks towards you with the knife, a sadistic smile plastered to her face. She kneels next to you, raising the knife. You scream, and just before the knife sunk into your forehead, the voice in your head chants another spell. Your eyes glow a deathly white, as your mouth moves on its own.

The knife flies from Agnes's hand, clattering on the floor. Agnes's eyes widen, her hands still frozen. "O-Oh my god...J-John?" she says. Your body gets up against your will, as the voice manipulates your mouth, speaking. "Indeed, my Agnes." you say. Your voice changes, becoming low and screechy.

"This is a nice body. I thank you." you say. Your lift your hand, holding it in front of you. Agnes backs away in fear, as you chant out a spell you didn't know existed.

"Et ultra! Tu mihi summum!" Agnes screams, her body evaporating into thin air. After a few seconds, a blinding light fills the room as bones clatter to the ground.

You just killed the first witch to ever be born.

Your Mom.

You scream, looking at your hands. You eyes lose their glow, as you sit down in the secluded stone room. The voice speaks again.

"Good job. My name's John Proctor, the first male witch. Well, excuse me, i'm going to be taking over your body now."

You speak a spell again, pain surging through your body.



Whaaatt? (Y/N) is a Trianix? Thas right ima make you even more powerful

sorry this is confuzzling,

basically what happened is the soul of "John Proctor" The first male witch inhabited your body as you realized you were a witch.

Will you be able to fight against him? Or will you be turned into a ruthless witch?

Muahuahuahua cliffhangers everywhere.

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