Bad memories...

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The old building where we had our meetings in is getting renovated, and it means we have to find a different meeting spot.

And Rias said we are going to my place.

We were sitting now, talking about all that happened and summarizing our overall efficiency.

- Asia - top of the time - she got 20 pacts this month. Akeno got 15, Kiba got 12, same with Koneko, and [Y/N]... - she stopped and sighed - one.

Hmm. Lemme guess... I only succeeded once, barely, and after the trap, I did not make any pacts. I just looked away, not trying to face angry Rias.

- You need to work on those. Maybe you have extremely high power, but you'll have your low rank forever if you won't start making pacts.

- Understandable... - I said and sighed. Koneko got closer to me and hugged me.

- Relax. You have done more than we all did in our demon lifetime. - she said, nuzzling her head at my side. I noticed Kiba was looking at something in his hands - it was.. a photo? I stood up, with Koneko at my side and walked up to him.

- What is it Kiba? - I asked him.

- Tell me. Do you know what is it? - he pointed at something on the picture. It was some kind of sword.

- A blade for sure.

- Holy sword... But.. what was it doing there? - he asked himself.

- Beats me. Why are you asking about it?

- No big deal. - he replied, hiding the photo.

No big deal... Sixth sense tingling - that will matter.


*Rias' POV*

I couldn't sleep at night. I stood up and glanced at [Y/N]'s face, which showed... fear? Anger? Alright. Let's hope he won't find out I looked in his mind.



I had landed in a  school, filled with students and teachers overwatching them. I did it before, so I knew I won't be seen by him. Suddenly, a new figure entered the hall. It looked like it was younger [Y/N], without the scars. Everyone looked at him and started gossiping, some even walked up to him and started pushing him around.


Now the halls were empty... Nearly. The sound of crying was heard... I walked up to the staircase and saw [Y/N] hugging his knees and crying.

- Why am I still alive... I am just a fucking nuisiance to everyone... Everyone hates me...

I just wanted to hug him, but I knew I couldn't.


I was now in hospital, where I saw a person lying in a bed. His face and arms were bandaged, so it was hard to recognize him. Suddenly, a girl entered the room and sat next to sleeping (?) person.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had caused this to you.

She simply sat there and stayed for few minutes, then got up and left.


I was now sitting in the same corridor where I had appeared the first time. The people remained the same... But aura was different. It was darker.. And got worse when [Y/N] entered. He now had multiple scars on his face and looked at everyone surrounding him. This time no one approached him and people were slightly afraid of him. Why-

- Having a good time? - [Y/N] spoke to me, pulling me out of his mind.

I have no idea what to say.

- You saw a nightmare of mine. My past still haunts me no matter what, and no one will change it. But... I do not wish to change it.

- Why is that? - I asked, confused. - You are damaged, were hated and thrown away.

- Don't rub the salt in the wound. If my past was different, I would have never met you guys.

- Huh? - I asked, my cheeks heating up - I don't get it.

- You are important to me all. You were one of few people that judged me not because of look, but because of my character. - after that, he walked up to me and gave me a short kiss. - I simply fell for you girls.

When he tried pulling away, I kept him close.

That's our [Y/N].

I will never regret bringing him in.. But I have a bad feeling something is gonna come in.

I kept on kissing him and after that we both fell asleep together.


That was one helluva wait.

The writer block got me harder (*lennyface*) but I managed to somehow overcome it.

Sorry if it sucks a bit. I'll try to be more active now.

Words count : 710 words

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