Chapter 25, Spirit To the Rescue

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~Natsu's Pov~ 

Lucy was fast asleep as I didn't want to leave her side but Mira and Wendy didn't want to inform me of what was wrong by Nash who wouldn't leave her side. He ended up falling asleep himself as I picked him up and placed him on the other side of the double bed. I then left the room with the three girls. "It's like her own bloodlust is attacking her body, I heard stories she had so much bloodlust but I didn't think she had that much" Wendy spoke as Mirajane looked toward me worried. Levy was looking at the ground.

"As a human she had to basically kill a lot of people for Mavis" I spoke as Wendy started thinking. "Somehow it is affecting her badly as a demon, that shouldn't be happening unless she had some demon DNA before hand" Wendy replied as I kept quiet about her being related to Acnologia. Sadly we only just noticed my father standing near by with his arms crossed looking toward me. "You three stay with Nash and Lucy" I ordered as they nodded going back into the room.

I looked toward my old man who pushed me into the wall next to the door. It wasn't very hard but he was in front of me. "So I was right huh?" he asked his eyes glowing red as I knew mine were also. "Again old man you want to get to her you go through me, Lucy herself wouldn't turn into something she hated she proved that with the Angels trying to turn her" I spoke harshly but not loud enough for the others to hear in the other room. I knew they wouldn't be listening in. 

"She wouldn't be able to stop it Natsu she is related to a monster and is turning into one" my father spoke his hand turning into a fist as he was pinned to the wall by Loke who had a golden glow around him. "You want to harm Lucy you got an army to go through demon is that understood? She is the new summoner of the spirit world" Loke snapped as I always knew this idiot wasn't a normal human. He was a spirit huh? Explained a lot really. "If she is a Spirit Summoner that means she won't end up like that monster" I smirked knowing that the spirits would stop that from happening.

"Another reason I'm here" Loke spoke moving away from my father and pulled a tablet out from his pocket passing it to me. "Make her take this, will calm the bloodlust and by the way Igneel she ain't turning into some monster this is what all demons go through when they have killed a ton. You been through it yourself before have you not?" Loke turned his head glaring toward my father who kept quiet. I headed into the room asking Wendy to wake Lucy up and informed her a spirit helped out with finding a way to help Lucy.

"I nearly forgot Lucy is a Spirit Summoner" Mira spoke as Wendy put her hand on Lucy's forehead waking her up. I walked over as Levy made a glass of water show in her hand and walked over passing it. "It's demon bloodlust problem it hasn't happened in so many years and the only cure was a tablet made by spirits" Levy spoke as like normal she knew nearly everything. She always was smart a tad too smart for her own good. "It still doesn't make sense that her human days is affecting her in demon forum" Wendy mumbled.

She was in deep thought as Lucy was half asleep looking at me. "Take this tablet you should be fine after that" I spoke as Lucy sat up. She yawned slightly as I passed her the tablet and drink. She took the tablet as she then put the drink on the side and noticed Nash asleep next to her. Lucy smiled toward him. "He was very worried you know" I spoke as I noticed the three girls had left and closed the door. "I didn't want to worry him" Lucy mumbled as I moved some of her hair behind her ear getting her to look at me.

"Well he will be happy to know you are fine" I whispered putting my hand on her cheek. I was worried myself. Most likely even more with the idea that my father could of came in here wanting to kill Lucy. "When we get home, I'm going to tell you everything. About my grandmothers story, about the Fairy side of the family...." Lucy whispered as she was about to speak even more until I pulled her into a kiss. She was shocked but kissed back nearly right away her hands going onto my shoulders. We both pulled away hearing Nash wake up. 

I moved my hand from her cheek as Nash yawned sounding just like his mother did when we woke her up. He was defiantly a mix of us both. "MUM!" he nearly shouting smiling hugging Lucy making her laugh and hug back smiling even more. "I'm sorry to worry you honey" Lucy whispered holding Nash close as I smiled at them both. Loke really came to our rescue. My father would of ended up hurting Lucy. I knew he was just trying to protect us all but he couldn't admit or see that he was wrong.

Lucy wasn't like Acnologia. Lucy would never be like that monster. Not while Nash was alive and breathing.


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  "You dare try and order the Twin Dragons?" Sting asked a white glow around him as Sherry ordered him stop and listen to my orders but it only made Rogue have a black glow around him. "Seems I do get to have my fun" I spoke golden glow around myself as both boys were soon in pure shock. "I faced Acnologia and lived you think you both scare me?" I asked loudly golden flames coming from the ground hitting them both and sending them flying into the air. This was where I was going to have my fun.  

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