Chapter 2

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Author's Note: Hello, I am alive. I'm sorry I haven't uploaded any more of this but here it is lol. I'll get chapters 2 and 3 out today. Thanks to everyone who commented, liked and read the first chapter lol. 

It's only been 2 days since I'd joined Harmony Hollow but I was already having a lot of fun. I made friends of Zach and Liam and people were being friendly with me. A few people even sent me welcome baskets. Almost everyone on the server was jealous of my house and told me how beautiful it was. Everyone kept saying I was a better builder than Will. I was pretty sure Will was "Kiingtong" or the "WillyShakes" that messaged me on Skype the other day. I knew eventually it would come back to bite me in the butt. Today, I got a message from Kiingtong asking if we could do a clip later today. I said yes.


Kiingtong got on teamspeak and addressed me directly. "(Your Minecraft Name), Hello." He said firmly in an English accent. It startled me but I unmuted myself and answered him. "Mister Kiingtong, hello, I've heard a lot about you recently." "Oh really? Well then I guess you've heard people say you're a better builder than me, huh." He didn't sound angry, in fact he sounded like he was having fun pretending to be mad at me so I feigned confidence. "Yes that's true, just take a look at my house." In a second, he was at my house, critiquing it. He made a few noises before his character pulled out a piece of paper. "It's a white flag," He laughed. It was kind of a cute laugh. "You win. This is better than any other house I've ever built." I laughed and said, "Hey it's not a competition, I just really like building." "Then in that case, come with me." We flew to an ocean where there was what looked like a ship crashed on the shore and a giant kraken and a large skull with a cave in it's mouth. "Wow," I said in shock, "This is so cool." He laughed and ushered me into the skull's mouth where I saw a dragon looking creature named Frappuccino and a horse named Bolt. Frappuccino was definitely not a Minecraft mob. We went down the hole in the back of his cave and there was a large cavern. It was huge. "I'm going to be building some things down here. If It's alright, could I commission you to pretty this up before I start building here? I'll let you build anything down here that you want, rent free!" He seemed nice so I said yes and we decided I would start right away.

45 minutes later

I unmuted myself on teamspeak and called out to Will. He asked me to call him by Will because most people just use that name. "Hey how's it going, (Y/N)." He said my name and I got butterflies in my stomach. His voice was so CUTE! "I'm all done, come take a look." I barely recovered. "Wait, you're done?" he asked in disbelief. "Yes!" I laughed. Will came down into the cavern and was silent, looking all around everywhere. It was an uncomfortable amount of silence before I heard him speak again. "How..." he trailed off. "Do you like it? It took me forever, I couldn't get it exactly right, I think it's missing a few things but it's a lot better now.... Right?" Will was silent for a bit longer, just looking at everything. "I mean if it's bad I can change it-" "No!" Will cut me off before I finished. "I'm sorry I'm just in shock. It's only been maybe 50 minutes and you're already done and it looks absolutely amazing, I've been working down here for maybe a week now and I couldn't get it the way I wanted. This is perfect." I was blushing so hard irl, I was glad he couldn't see it.

We talked for a bit longer and then he ended his video with me in the sign off. After his recording stopped, we continued talking about building and other things for a while. It was nice to talk to someone else who liked to build, and Will was very nice to me. We exchanged phone numbers and I decided to call it a day. It was getting late and Will was also tired. He needed to edit his video. We said our goodbyes and I went off to bed.

15 minutes later

Text from Will:

Will: Hey, thanks for doing that clip with me today. It was so much fun. Maybe next time, we could build together. You're amazing.

I blushed, thankful again, that Will couldn't see my face.

Me: Sure! That would be so much fun! I love building, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Will: So your name is (Y/N), right?

Me: Yes why?

Will: No Reason, it's just a cute name ;D

Me: Haha, well your name is cool too.

Will: lol thanks :D

Me: Okay well it's late, I'll let you sleep, haha.

Will: Okay, goodnight <3

Me: Night <3

"Will sent me a heart oh my gosh. He is so CUTE!"

That night I stayed up late binge watching Will's videos. He was so cute and funny. I couldn't believe someone like him could be interested in being friends with someone like me. I felt so lucky. I'll have to thank Shelby tomorrow for bringing me into this group of people. So far I've had the time of my life. I couldn't wait till I could talk to everyone again, especially Will.

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