The World Has Changed, Cory

Start from the beginning

Suddenly I felt a crushing sensation in my back. "Guys," I said half whispering, half yelling. "You're crushing me!"

They all apologized and laughed their heads off.

"So uh..." I started once everyone had calmed down. "What happened?

Time skip!

"7 weeks!?" I yelled, eyes widening.

Toriel had finished explaining everything to me and I couldn't even begin to believe what she just told me.

Alphys nodded. "Yup! You were in a coma for that long!" She let out a relived sigh. "We were really worried for a second! For You and frisk!" "WELL YA! I WAS ASLEEP FOR 7 WHOLE- wait what about frisk?"

Frisk who has been silent this whole time, looked down at her feet, her face slightly dusted with pink.

"Ya!" Undyne continued for Alphys. "The moment to when you hit the ground to the moment you woke up, she barely ate, showered, and needed help getting dressed in the morning, she was so distraught!" With every word Frisks face got redder and redder.

It was Toriel's turn now. "And she would never sleep, hoping each passing day would be the day you woke up," she held her hand up to her chin.

"In fact, I had to give her a spell to stop her from collapsing in exhaustion on the floor."

I just stared at frisk in amazement, who was still looking at her feet in embarrassment.

"Frisk?" I asked softly. "Did you do all that?" I paused for a bit. "For me?"

She nodded her head, shyly. Averting my eyes. I just stared at frisk, and she just stared at her feet.

We stayed there for a moment until I saw Sans, Alphys, and Undyne, all wiggling their eye brows at me.

I turned about 500 shades of pink.

"If you do that, he'll probably pass out again!" Toriel said laughing, seeing my reddened face. "Please don't!" Frisks head shot up, suddenly shaking me violently.


"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" I yelled back and fourth as she shook me.

The others laughed, which made frisk finally put me down. Suddenly I felt something. Uh oh...

"Uh... S-Sans?" I stammered. He looked at me. "Ya, kid?"

"Where's the bathroom?" He looked like he was on the edge of laughter.

"D-down the h-hall!" He said trying to keep his cool. I suddenly got up, and ran down the hall, hearing sans muffled cry of laughter.

As I was in the bathroom, I thought I could hear a femanine voice coming from outside. I shook it off and opened the stall door and went to go wash my hands. But before I did, I looked at myself in the mirror, just realizing what I was wearing.

I was wearing the lime green sweater that frisk gave me, the slashes on the chest and back were sewed back up with a dark shade of green thread. And when I looked down, I saw that I was wearing loose jeans, and Nike sneakers.

I held the shirt up to my nose, smelling Frisk's scent. She smelled like strawberries and cake.

I smiled, not realizing that some certain skeleton brothers were watching.

"Ahem," I heard Papyrus clear his throat. "GAH!! SANS, PAPYRUS!!" I looked angrily at the laughing skeletons, back facing the mirror. "Just what were you doing with that sweater, Cory?" Papyrus asked slyly, wiggling his eyebrows.

I blushed, putting my face in my sweater. "N-nothing!"

"S-s-stutter King!!" Sans teased after he was done laughing like the mad hatter.

I put my hands in my hair and screamed in frustration. "UGH!!!"
Finally I gave in. "FINE!!! I WAS SMELLING IT OK!? Now just let me wash my hands!"

Turning away from their shocked faces, I started washing my hands.

Right as I was drying them, sans called out to me. "We're heading outside kid! Once your done, meet us in the front lawn!" I yelled back an 'okay' before finishing drying my hands.

Once I was done, I walked outside the bathroom, and then the front doors to find cameras flashing in my face.
Sorry if this chapter is a bit long, I just had soooooooo much information to give you guys, TAKE CARE!
- Ink

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