The Return II

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Chapter 2: Eyes on Mai

June 3rd


"Taniyama-san? Were you listening to me? Taniyama-san? TANIYAMA-SAN!"

A loud voice interrupted the magical dance Hello Kitties were doing in the sky. They looked down at me accusingly as I tried to figure out what was happening. Why are Hello Kitties in the sky? Was that even possible?

"MAI-SAN!" yelled one of the Hello Kitties, but the deep voice didn't really match up with her small, feline frame.

My head snapped up and my eyes slowly pried themselves open, disoriented. "Yes?" I mumbled.

I hear a deep groan emit from my literature professor, and I suddenly realize the situation I'm in. Now my eyes were wide open.

I fell asleep. In class.

"Mai, after class. But first, a warning. Don't let this happen again, please. This is the fifth time this year, and break is in a few weeks. You can make it," Mr. Lao called from the front of the class. He was standing in front of his whiteboard with a frown on his face. Other students in the class sent me varying looks of pity.

"Yes, sir."


"What happened, Taniyama? Are you of ill health? You do know that the materials we're covering now will be included in this year's state exam, right?"

I sighed, vaguely thinking that maybe I shouldn't have stayed up last night to finish that report.

"I'm terribly sorry sir, I had another paper due earlier today and I was awake all last night editing and revising it. It won't happen again, I assure you," I say.

My now-awake eyes look around at the empty classroom. My seat was all the way at the very top, the perfect place to fall asleep and (almost) not get caught. Almost. Mr. Lao's known as a particularly strict professor, but it seems he does have a heart somewhere in his formal demeanor because his posture relaxed just a little bit.

"I see. Well, okay, let me know if you need after-school classes to catch up on work. Staff members are here to help if you have any problems. The good news is that your grade improved over the last month, so keep up the good work before break. And be sure not to fall asleep in any class ever again, it could prove to be quite insulting to the professor at hand. Here I was worried my lectures were becoming a bit boring..."

He shuffled some papers on his desk and arranged them into a neat pile. They were boring, he was boring, but he didn't have to know that.

"Yes, of course, sorry again. See you tomorrow, sir!" I said, anxious to just leave. He nodded and waved his hand, signaling my release.

I left. Sighing, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and went to go find my friends, who usually waited for me in the front of the main campus building. All of us attend Tokyo U, just different branches of the buildings.

"Maaaaiiii, over here!" I hear Keiko's loud voice coming towards me at a very high speed, and I squint. Her footsteps are getting closer, but I can't tell which direction she's coming from. Damn you, sun.

"Boo." Out of nowhere, two hands cover my eyes.

Startled, I exclaim, "Keiko, you scared me! You really need to stop doing that."

Keiko laughs, moving her arms away. "Sorry Mai, it's just funny to see your reaction," she says tauntingly.

I swat her. Now that my eyes have adjusted to the light, I make out three approaching figures out of the corner of my eye, relaxing when I realize that it's Ken, Yasu, and Michiru. "Hey guys."

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