Chapter 11

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***Lily's POV***

"Lily? I need to talk to you." Somebody said and opened the door. It was Vic.

I was sitting on my bunk, playing a little on my guitar.

"Sure, come in." I said, and put the guitar away. He sat down next to me on my matress. We had to sit really close, because that damn bunk wasn't that long.

"Uhm....I wanted to talk with you about yesterday..."

"Okaaaay...did I do anything wrong?"

"No, it's somebody might have told you, I was the one who brought you to bed yesterday. I took off your wristbands...why did you cut yourself?"

I tried to hold back the tears. I didn't want him to know! He surely hates me now!

He took my hand, stroking with his thumb the back of my hand.


The tears started to stream down my face.

"Why, Lily, why?"

"So much hate...everybody hates me! I am worthless, ugly!" My broken voice got louder and louder.

"Hey. Look at me. I don't hate you. Nobody here hates you.'re beautiful, okay? Don't let anybody ever tell you anything else."

I cried even more. And I could see a tear rolling down Vic's face too.

Then he broke.

He longed over, and hugged me tightly. I could hear him silently crying.

"Hey." He whispered into my ear, "don't let the world get you down."


We sat there for about half an hour, just crying.

As we let go, he wiped a tear off my cheek.

"Vic? I'll stop." I said.


"Yeah. For you."

"Oh thank you!" He said, and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed like crazy.

He smiled. "You're cute."

I grinned, and blushed even more.


We sat around, just smiling.

"Lily? Uhm...would you be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah." He was so much older than me...but I just didn't care.

I was happy now.

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