Welcome to the Dutchman

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Up close, the Flying Dutchman assumed a more foreboding presence then from afar. Someway, somehow, one of the crew members had taken her to the ghostly ship through some means of instant transportation. But Little Cloud instinctively knew it was all just part of the curse.

The ship was decrepit, but functioning. The wood was covered in slime and seaweed, and crustaceans, scallops and barnacles could be seen everywhere. The captain stomped up to the helm and spoke in a voice Little Cloud didn't catch. Suddenly, water started to rush into the ship. It was going under. Adrenalin rushed Little Cloud, and she desperately looked around, but the whole crew acted normally.

"Better hold on to something." Chuckled a crewman with the head of a hammerhead shark.

Water rushed Little Cloud, as she braced herself against the mainmast.

Hours later, the ship surfaced. night had fallen, and most of the crew congregated in the hold. Little Cloud was honestly surprised at the lack of interest the crew showed in her arrival. She was also relieved. Upon entering the hold, she positioned herself on a wall in the back, watching from the edge of the crowd.

"Three fives."

"Four fives."

"Six fives!"

One of the player exploded. "Liar!" And the group of pirates crowding the players gasped. The burst into noise.

Little Cloud leaned over to another person leaning against the wall. "What are they gambling with?"

"Years of service. That's all we really have." He sniffed, then sighed in a depressed fashion.

"Ha. I have found few things more idiotic than gambling for years of slavery." Little Cloud scoffed, mostly to herself.

"What?" The hammerhead from earlier challenged.

"What?" Little Cloud replied innocently.

"That'a a fine sword of yours. I challenge you in a game. Your sword on the line." He growled.

"What will you bet?" Little Cloud asked, stepping forward. "Your years of service have no value to me. What can you offer?"

"My position on this ship. As first mate." At this, even Davy Jones emerged from his quarters to watch the happenings. He cast an ominous presence; even the goose neck barnacles hiding in the dark corners of the hold shied away back into their crevices.

"Alright." Little Cloud walked up to the table, unbuckled her belt and scabbard, and slammed it on the table. Several crewmen flinched at the noise. The sight greatly amused her. "I accept."

The Adventures of Little CloudOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora