Chapter 17 - Shades of Gray Collide (Part 1)

Comenzar desde el principio

Charlie's bright smile returned to his face as he looked up at Robin. "Mister Robin, you're back already?"

"You betcha!" Robin exclaimed with a big grin as he gave Charlie a fist bump. He sniffed as the scent of baked fish wafted up to the roof. "Smells like your mother's making lunch?"

"Yeah! She really appreciates you for all the fish. How do you get so much?"

"A great magician never reveals his secrets!" Robin pressed his finger to his lips.

More like a great thief. So this is what he had done with the fish he stole earlier? It made more sense that he owned so little despite being such a masterful thief now.

"I see you're still practicing your swordsmanship?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting better, watch this!" Charlie thrust his toy sword forward and shouted, "Kiya!", only to trip over his own feet and fall on his butt.

Robin chuckled as he helped Charlie up. "You still need to work on your stance."

"Still practicing..." Charlie hung his shoulders.

"Hang in there champ. Keep it up and you'll be defending the whole city from fire breathing dragons!"

"You really think so?"

"I know so!" Robin assured him with a toothy grin and a thumbs up.

Alile supposed Robin's interactions with this boy were kinda cute, but what did it have to do with her? As she was wondering this, a female voice shouted from below, inside the house.

"Charlie, lunch is ready!"

"Coming mom!" Charlie called back. "Mister Robin, you should join us for lunch!"

"I would love too, but this wandering soul has oh so many journeys to venture through..." Robin closed his eyes and placed his hand on his chest dramatically.

"Please?" Charlie tugged on Robin's sleeve. "Just for a little? We owe you!"

"The only thing you owe me is your smile, kid." Robin ruffled Charlie's hair. "But, if you really insist, I suppose..."

"Yay!" Charlie jumped around in excitement. "I can't wait, let's go! Mom is gonna be so happy to see you." he rushed over to the ladder and climbed down.

"So...remind me why you brought me here?" Alile asked once Charlie was gone.

"Can that sprite of yours make any predictions now?" he asked.

"I dunno. Maybe." That's why he brought her here? If he just wanted her to be able to make a prediction, couldn't he have brought her back to the normal side of town?

"Then tell me, what do you see in Charlie's future?"

"Why does that matter?"

"No questions for you, missy." he tried to poke her nose but she swatted his finger away. "You'll see why soon, so long as you make some simple predictions for me."

Alile rolled her eyes. Whether or not she told him, the fact remained that the next page in the storybook of her life had already been spoiled for her. Then again, she supposed she had nothing to lose by doing as he said. She shut her eyes, focusing.

"Drop...something." came Spritelile's voice.

"Alright, fine. Your little friend is going to drop something." Alile said.

"Drop something, huh...?" Robin tapped his foot, "Is that as specific as you can get?"

"Hey, beggers can't be choosers."

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