Beautiful Disaster Chapter 1

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                                                                                                 Chapter One                

My hair is being ripped back as a stranger compresses an inch sized angel’s wing to my forehead. I can feel the metal burning; seeping into my veins. I scream awakening into a sudden panic. It makes its way painfully through the seven thin layers of my skin. Measuring up to about hundred degrees for just a couple of seconds, it begins to quickly dissolve inside of me. As the small wing travels its way within my head, I can feel it cooling. A sensation where it feels it took years to accomplish. Then after fifteen seconds of smoldering pain, it’s all suddenly gone.

While above me, the rain is pouring, drowning upon me as my knees knelt into the ground. I close my eyes, attempting to get rid of each rain drop falling into my eye lids. But all I can feel upon my face is the cool feeling of rain. 

“Come on!” A husky voice calls out in utter annoyance. I feel an enormously large hand placing itself on my forehead. Smothering the other half of my face, I fall with my head hitting the ground.

But, before I know it, my mind is swept into immense agony, as I travel back to a few memories within my own mind…

August, 2002

“Do you think you are going to like it here?” A tone that consists of speaking to a ten year old, my Mother’s voice comes out sweetly.

As I stand on the concrete sidewalk, next to the August green grass, I take a look around at the new world I am about to enter. People are coming and going in their cars as the lights turn from red to green. A building made of faded, red, bricks stands across the street with various amount of windows built into it. Another large building sets itself upon a hill, with a driveway built in, while cars and people travel themselves either up or down.

To create a more colorful downtown, beautiful green trees with flowers surrounding them are neatly planted along the sidewalk. Sprinklers make themselves known as they begin to sprout out of the ground. Birds chirp a tune while fluttering across the roads or rest up in the trees. Lightning bugs are about to appear all around when the darkness will soon intervene with the light.

My eyes shift themselves all around, seeing numerous of different people passing along the sidewalk. Some are old, some new, a few in between, and a couple people I might know in the future. I hear diverse conversations all around me. Little kids screaming because one did not get their ice cream. Teenage girls giggling and gossiping on their cell phones about cute boys they are interested in. Some teenage boys are boarding along the sidewalk, doing—what I call—difficult tricks. Others are checking the girls as they walk on by.  

Behind me is a peaceful setting of all natural light. It’s cascading faded rays of daylight as it slowly tunnels down into the sleepy morn. Almost silent, whispery winds make their way over upon me, cooling my body. I stand still with my head down. Thinking to myself, everything is at ease.

  Judging of how to respond, I look back up at my parents. I know one thing: my opinion does not matter. I am the age of nine years old whose about to start the third grade. In all ratios my family has made their opinion about this small town of Grand Haven. I kind of like it. 

My response is settling, “Yeah.” I say no more as we begin to walk again.


I suddenly gasp for air as if I’ve been drowning only moments before. Opening my eyes I see blotches of black and white as my eyes struggle to regain focus. “Back down!” The hoarse voice commands. The burning pain releases itself back in the flame of scorching hot metal. Pressure is added to my forehead once again… 

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