Harry’s stormy eyes suddenly crackled dangerous.

“I’ll go remove him from the premises herself,” he said in a voice so silky that it could have been sesame oil. He was dangerous calm, like water about to boil.

Louis took a quick step towards Harry, reaching a hand out to placate him. “Oh, no, Harry – I mean, Mr. Styles – “

“Harry,” he corrected softly.

“Harry,” Louis repeated. “Please, don’t bother yourself on my account. I’m a waiter; dealing with pricks is basically my job.”

Harry closed the gap between them and gently laid one huge, warm hand against Louis’ face. “And as far as I’m concerned, Louis, my job is protecting you.” He blushed and coughed and ran a hand through his famously curly hair. “You’re – you’re an asset to my restaurant, and er – everything that happens here is a reflection on my name so… basically, I have to – ”

“Thank you,” Louis interrupted.

He smiled at Harry, a true, quirky smile.

Harry smiled back, endearingly timid and shy. His face dimpled.

Without thinking, Louis bounced up to tip-toe and pressed his mouth to his. Harry’s lips were unmoving, but soft… startled.

Louis pulled back and immediately took two steps away. “I’m sorry, please don’t – I mean I guess you have to fire… I’m sor—”

Harry’s mouth was against Louis’ again, blazing and frantic this time as he lifted him up, crushing his to his body so tightly that he could feel the outline of Harry’s cock pressed against him through Harry’s crisp white uniform. Harry backed them into the metal wall of the cooler, holding Louis captive against him as his tongue found Louis’, slow and sinuous and tinglingcold with mint.

Louis whimpered into Harry’s lips, wrapping his legs around Harry’s thighs for better leverage into the kiss. He folded his arms around Harry’s shoulders and threaded his fingers through his lush hair.

The bottle of Merlot crashed to the ground and stained the floor red.

Harry stepped back into the shards of sparkling glass and glossy wine. Louis slipped down his front, matching him toe-to-toe as they breathed.

“I’ll go take care of that businessman,” Harry said regretfully. He gently tucked a loose strand of Louis’s feathered brown hair back up off his forehead.

“I’m sorry,” Louis whispered, unsure what he was apologizing for.

Harry shook his head firmly, then licked his lip and ducked his head to kiss Louis again. “Don’t apologize.”

* * *

Their first date was at Harry’s apartment, where he made Louis gorgonzola and Bennet’s bacon risotto with arugula and Garden Peach tomato salad, dusted with burnt sugar and aromatic with golden garlic and shallots.

The night of their first kiss, Louis worked a closing shift and delayed his departure, lurking just outside the back doors to One Direction until almost midnight, shifting his weight from foot to foot.


Harry startled Louis, making him jump.

“Shit! Uh… yeah,” he stammered. Louis nodded and pushed a hand through his hair.

A strange sort of tingling silence fell around the parking lot.

“Are you hungry?” Harry asked suddenly, smiling at Louis with dimples to rival the cherubs’.

You're a whole new level of charm. (Larry One Shots - book 6)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя