Emily 64.

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I went back home at three in the morning, Ramone didn't make any attempt to take me, and I didn't want him to, I got a taxi all the way home, and I was literally crying, I regret what I did, I don't know what's happening to me. When I got in, it was dark, I took off my shoes slowly and went upstairs, I went straight to the bathroom, stripped naked and had a shower and washed my tears and the dirt away. I got out the bath and wrapped myself in a towel and went to our room, which I haven't slept in for a long time. He was sleeping, and I heard his light breathing. I sat down on the bed, and touched his face. Why did I even do it? Ramone's nothing like Denzel, he doesn't have what Denzel has, his looks, personality, nothing like Denzel's yet I did what I did and now I regret thinking what I did before. I cried and he shuffled and automatically sat up and looked at me in the dark. He put the lamp on and rubbed his eyes.

"Where the fuck have you been?" I cried and couldn't actually believe I cheated on him hours ago.

"I'm sorry." I said. He sighed and looked at me.

"Go to bed."He said.

"Please let me sleep here."

"I ain't got trust in this any more, go we will talk tomorrow." He said. I cried and got up and looked at him.

"Tell me one thing, would you ever cheat?" He looked at me for long.

"If that's why your crying your wasting you time, I can't believe you'd even ask that, look at me, Seriously, why would I?" He kissed his teeth and put the light off and I stood there crying.

"GET OUT! I GOT WORK IN THE MORNING, YOUR STANDING HERE CRYING!" He shouted, I left and cried myself to sleep in the spare room...

The next morning I woke up and he was looking happy till he saw me come out of the room.

"Denzel I need some money."

"There's some in the draw upstairs." He said.

"I need you." I sniffed.

"I needed you too, but it's okay now, don't worry, it wears off," He said and walked out. I sat on the stairs in this big lonely house, and cried. Why did I cheat, why? I wanted to tell him, so he could just express his anger on me, because I really need him to give me some emotions. I walked around and went in the kitchen, I never cook, when I do it's only to make-up, and he's not buying it, he's the type of guy you can easily make-up with, and I don't know how to. I am thinking of how Emily would have done it, well I've heard he goes back to her. I feel like I'm never good enough, and I'm not now, because of what I've done. There was a knock at the door, I went and it was Solange, she came in and looked at me and laughed.

"I heard you fucked him, seriously are you THAT stupid? I didn't even sleep with Simone, went straight home with some girls." My mouth dropped.


"Come on now, so you actually think I'm a sket? Use your brain. How can you fuck Ramone? Your married you fool" She said laughing, I lowered my head.

"I regret it."

"I'm sure you do, I don't buy it, I mean imagine if Denzel knew."

"He'd do the unimaginable. I sat there asking him the question would he cheat, I felt so guilty, he hasn't cheated on me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Solange! He's never cheated on me, before and now, he doesn't cheat, if he's bored he'll leave."

"Leave? This ain't a relationship, it's a marriage, he can't just leave." She laughed.

"Whatever." I said.

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