Too shocked to speak, she could only gape at him. Her office was large by most standards, but he filled the room with his presence. Even, five paces away, she could feel the heat of his body & the pull of attraction. And he'd brought food. Her stomach growled, stirred to life by the delicious aroma of spices.

Sanskar- Well, hello to you, too.

Without waiting for a reply, he took a quick look around & set the bags down on the coffee table next to the windows.

Sanskar- God, Swara. This view is fan-fu*king-tastic!

He stood in front of the windows with his back to her, showing the broad line of his shoulders & back, narrow hips,& the snug curve of denim over a perfect ass. The stark black lines of tattoos snaked out beneath the short sleeves of his t-shirt, at odds with the vintage chic of her office. Oblivious to her surprise, he turned & walked the perimeter of the room, trailing a hand over the furniture as he walked.

He paused in front of the framed diplomas hanging on the wall & turned to cock an eyebrow at her.

Sanskar- Double major & a masters? I knew you were beautiful, but smart too?

Whispers & giggles from the hallway drew her attention back to the door of her office where two marketing assistants lingered, eyes wide with admiration for Sanskar. With a stormy glare, she walked over to the door & closed in on their noses then swallowed hard to regain her composure by the time sge turned to face him.

Swara- Are you crazy? What are you doing here?

He was smiling at her, dimples ablaze.

She tried not to smile back, but it was impossible. He'd been thinking about her, too. The idea warmed her insides like full blown sunshine after a thunderstorm.

Sanskar- I brought lunch.

He said, striding back to the coffee table.

Sanskar- I wasn't sure what you liked so I took a chance on Italian. I hope that's okay.

As he spoke, he delved into the bags & placed containers of food on the table. It was more than okay; the only thing she liked better than pasta was Sanskar's dimples.😍

Swara- Do you do this often? Surpise random women with lunch?

She peeked into one of the bags, intrigued.

Sanskar- Never. And you are definately not random.

The dimples flashed.

Sanskar- Look I've got a tight schedule today, so we've got to make this quick. Gotta be out of here in 30 minutes, I've got two interviews for a new waitress. And God knows I need them bad.

As he spoke, he placed two cloth placements with matching napkins, plates, & silverware on the table then proceeded to pour sparkling Pellegrino into two plasric chamagne flutes, garnished them with lemon wedges. The attention to detail surprised her. Just exactly what was he up to? This wasnt some sleazy takeout, he had put thought into this meal. She tried & failed to think of anytime that Sameer had done something like this for her. Her traitorous stomatch growled again.

Swara- I don't usually eat lunch.

She said weakly as another wave of delightful scents hit her nose. As a former fat girl, she gained weight just from looking at anything that smelled so wonderful.

😎ROLLING DRUNK😉Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora