1: Adoption day

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Angelina pov
I wake up to the sound of our headmistress yelling"get up or you don't get food " I sit up and look at roommates kate and rosealina
We all get sad on this day no one ever comes for us for you guys who are confused it's adoption day where people come and adopt kids. me and my friends(Jenny,Kate,roselina,and star) have gone threw this day for 13 years and we are always still here I decide to give a shot I get up and change (pic below)

After I get dressed I head down stairs And get food and here the same talk we get every year "today you must stay on your best behavior and act kind" I block out the rest and focus on my phone and then we head out to the living room I sit next to ...

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After I get dressed I head down stairs
And get food and here the same talk we get every year "today you must stay on your best behavior and act kind" I block out the rest and focus on my phone and then we head out to the living room I sit next to my friends and we wait for the day to be over.

~le time skip~

Just as everyone was about to head to there room a group of people come threw the door they look super familiar but I can't put my finger on it anyway the walk over to the kids and look around there eyes stop in me and my friends and they come over to us and talk to us and they seem pretty cool next thing we knew they left and we got sad that we though they were coming for us but just as we reached the stairs are headmistress came to us and said the words we thought we would never here " girls your being adopted" she said the first thing I ask is "by who??"
She just grabbed our hands and took us to her office when we walk in we see the people who were talking with us earlier they just finished the paper work and took us to there car when we got there we went in the back and fell asleep when we woke up we see a huge building but befor we go in the adults come up to us and say " girl we have something to tell you..... we are the few" I freak out and next thing I knew I passed out

Kate pov
Omi we are being adopted by the few OMI I look over to see angelina passed out I was about to grab her when the girl in the group beat me to it when we walked to the building I realized we are the hall eeeeeee OMI I'm not the one to fan girl but I am fan girling so hard right now the few stop us and tell us which one them will be a parent to one of us
The sly said
"Kate goes with Katz
Angelina goes with jess
Jenny gets castor
And rosealina gets me sly"
We head to them after they called us and showed us to there room we share it with them so lucky for us they have huge rooms that we won't be cramped when I got to my room I threw my bag on my bed and wait till Katz gets here

A/n hey guys author~Sama here and how do you like my first chapter if you guys like let me know I love you guys my little nekos ✌️😊

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