Chapter 1

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 If there is one time of year I should avoid going into Reading, it was the weekend of the Reading festival. But as usual, I had left getting my mum’s birthday present to the very last minute so I had no choice.

            I got up early Saturday morning and got the 8:35 bus. The sun was low and there was a fresh feeling about the day. As I walked across the field I looked down at my feet and realised my shoes where falling apart and I looked terrible.

            Still half asleep, and to be honest in a shit mood I sat myself down on the bench and patiently waited for the bus. It was late as normal. I was the only one at the bus stop so I started thinking about how nice it would be to have a guy to look after me, hold me when I was in these shit moods, tell me everything was going to be okay when I was down. Offer me his jacket when I was cold and all that cheesy stuff, but before I got to lost in thought the bus arrived.

            It was only 8:45 in the morning and yet the bus was full except for one seat. Most of the people looked like campers going to the festival, despite the fact they looked rough as hell and they hadn’t even got there yet, I was still jealous of the fact they got tickets and I didn’t. So I walked up to the one free seat, and that’s when I sore him. This beautiful, cute, stunning, teenage boy.

            He was wearing a blue polo shirt (with the top button done up) and a grey cardigan over the top. He had a pair of beats on that rested on his soft blond hair, the sun was shining through the window onto his face and it showed how perfect his skin was, then he looked up at me and I sore his amazing blue eyes, like the Caribbean sea. Why did the spare seat have to be next to the gorgeous gift from God on a day that I looked like I had spent the past year of my life sleeping rough. I had no choice but to sit down next to him.

            As I did so I could see from the corner of my eye he gently pulled down his headphones and placed them around his neck. I noticed that he had a guitar in between his legs. "i thought these guys only existed in films" I told myself, but this boy was perfect.

 We didn’t say a word to each other for the first few minutes. I wanted something to break the silence but I was too scared...

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