십 • ten

Depuis le début

"will all of you be living in a dorm together?" lia reads. all of us look over to jina, who shakes her head. "i think it's because all of us still have contracts to where we're living now. so maybe when the contract expires then we'll move into a dorm." naomi says, earning an approval from jina after she said this.

that would mean that i'd be moving out of the mansion..
away from rowoon.

"do any of you speak english?" yun ji reads. i raise my hand, waving. "i was born in america, so yes, i do speak english." i said, in english. "who's the youngest?" i read. "i am." lia chirped, smiling widely. i chuckle at how adorable she was. "jisu and i are the same age." yun ji says. "and i'm the eldest." naomi says.

"do you have a dating ban? if so, how long?" lia reads. i looked over to our manager, who shakes her head. "we don't have a dating ban." i said, earning squeals from lia. i furrowed my eyebrows, looking over to her.

"hey jisu, guess who?" naomi reads, getting a little confused. i look at the screen of the phone, furrowing my eyebrows as well. "who are you?" i asked. "oh my gosh. look at the username!" yun ji squealed. my eyes widened.


"oh. rowoonie oppa!" i said, waving. the girls squealed, scaring me a little. the comments began to flood with sf9 fans otherwise known as fantasy. yes, i did my research. after awhile, we answered more and more questions. but of course, the live stream had to end as well. our manager cues for us to end the live.

"until now, this has been clover." i said, catching the other three girls' attention. "thank you." we all said, bowing before i reached over and ended the live. "woah. next time we decide to do this, we aren't using my phone. it's practically dead." yun ji says with a sigh, shaking her head.

"alright, let's all take turns then." naomi suggests. we nod, agreeing. "alright, that's really all for today, you can go. i'll send out details by tonight." jina tells us.


"i'm home!" i called as i removed my shoes. "i'm in the kitchen!" rowoon calls out. i make my way over there, opening the door. "yah! how could you not tell me?" riley complains as she pinches my cheek, twisting a little. "that hurts! stop." i complained, pushing her away from me.

"he told us." sun woo says with a sigh, looking over to me from rowoon. "i was practically forced to." rowoon admits. i sigh, looking at the twins. "you're making this issue way bigger than it has to be." i told them. "you should've told us. we're your best friends." riley whines.

"can't i have a day, enjoying what i've been given? without feeling the need to tell the both of you what's happening? you both know how shitty my morning went on sunday. i just wanted to be happy, without having to report it to the both of you. wouldn't you do the same?" i asked, as i placed my bag down on the counter. "it's not like i'm purposely trying to hide things from you two. things just didn't turn out that way." i explained.

riley frowns, as she begins to feel bad. "aigoo.. both of you are so emotional. alright, i'm sorry." sun woo says, letting out a sigh as he walks over to me, giving me a hug. "i feel like a bad friend now, i'm sorry!" riley says with a frown, bringing me into a tight hug.

after awhile of them sticking around, they eventually left. i washed up and changed into comfortable clothes before joining rowoon in the living room.

"so, were those girls nice to you?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. i nod, letting out a chuckle. "they're perfect." i assured him as i sat down on the carpet with a pillow on my lap. "i heard that you're the leader too." he says with a smile. i nod. "woah. i'm so proud of you." he says, giving me a thumbs up.

"i wouldn't have got into the company if it weren't for you." i told him as he ruffles my hair. "of course, being nosy has its perks." i laugh, shaking my head as he said this.

"are you nervous at all?" he asks. i shrugged. "i don't really know what's to come.. so i can't really be nervous about anything." i said. he stares at me for awhile, watching as my expression melted. "liar. come here." he says, opening his arms as he saw the panic in my eyes.

i allowed for him to wrap his arms around me as i curled into a ball. "you'll be fine." he assures me in a whisper. i nod, shutting my eyes as i found comfort. "oppa.. they said that the girls and i might move into a dorm together after our contracts with the places we're staying at now expire.." i mentioned.

he stays silent for awhile, but nods. "i know, jisu." he says. "i.. don't want to be away from this place." i said.

well.. i don't want to be away from you.

"i don't want you to either." he says. there was a small part of my heart that wanted so much for him to mean the same thing that i meant. "i want for you to be here when i wake up.. and when i go to sleep." he admits. "we've still got a little over one and half months left." he says, patting my head.

can we just freeze in this moment and be stuck on replay?

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