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     Well... I know in that last sentence there was that comment about a dragon... but after the smoke cleared and I could actually see the thing... it wasn't exactly what you'd think of for a dragon. I mean sure, it was lizard-like, breathed fire, and had wings... but it was a bit TOO lizard-like, far from the usual depiction. It's... snout? Muzzle? Head? Was less long, like the typical dragon, and more short and rounded like a lizard. It's legs weren't "right" either. They stuck out to the side like... well, more like a lizard, again. It was also a weird... silvery and translucent color, that would be very hard to see from afar. It was quite spiky, like most dragon depictions, though.
      It reminded me of a trip to the zoo at my old daycare, in 4th Grade, back when Lizzie was in America. We'd gotten to go to a special event in the reptile house, where we were allowed to hold some cool lizards and snakes. One of these was an "Armadillo Lizard." (I have no idea if that was its real name or not, but it was a popular nickname for it at least. Kayla is not a credible source. Do not sue if you lose some weird "Guess That Lizard!" gameshow.) It had spikes running down its back, and when it got scared it curled into a ball to defend itself, pretty much like an armadillo... hence the name.
     I soon realized, that in the course of this detailed description, it was now fighting that Lakota girl. (I hadn't even gotten to the wings!) She had gotten two swords out of nowhere, and was fighting like she knew what she was doing. The reason I snapped out of my flashback was that a blast of fire had been fired at me, and I had to jump away, over the front desk, hitting my head on the wall behind it. "Ow!"
     Hotel members had heard the ruckus, and were starting to rush out through the fire exits... I could barely see a thing, though; the smoke was getting thicker by the second. After a split second I saw why. MY BAG WAS ON FIRE!!! I had brought a small bag to carry my phone and money, and since I was planning on buying a new charger, I had brought it. When I had dodged the flames, somehow it had caught fire.
      I have to admit.. I panicked. "STOP DROP AND ROLL! STOP DROP AND ROLL!" My own voice screamed in my head. I was screaming out loud and I started flopping like a fish on the ground, hardly rolling. I was still on fire. (Dragon magic, I suppose. How annoying. Though I guess this moment would be far more anticlimactic if it had just gone out, and I'd left. Is that really a bad thing, though?) I decided I needed to make a dash to the pool to douse the dragon-fire. I ran as fast as I could to hide behind a plot-convenient wooden pillar for cover. I ducked down to get ready to run again, and felt the pillar above me get burned through.
     I ran to the next pillar, arms flailing. I ducked again, after what happened last time, and yet again, the dragon burned right above my head. (You'd think it'd learn to aim lower. I suppose also fighting a girl with a sword would be distracting.) At this moment, a cute guy came out and started helping Lakota with... water powers?!!! He was actually controlling water. Cool! I realized I had dashed the wrong way to get to the second pillar.. and I'd have to go the other way to get to the pool.
     Luckily, there were more plot-convenient pillars to spare. I ran the other direction, and the pillar got burned, YET AGAIN right above me. I hadn't even ducked! (I mean I won't complain, I don't wanna die. This dragon was pretty bad at its job, though. Is a dragon's job to kill? I wonder- right, sorry, story.) One more pillar before I could get to the pool easily. I made it, and rolled pretty well out of the way of the next flame, which was spot on. (Good thing I didn't duck, eh? I suppose these comments are ruining the emergence.. but that's kinda the point. Why was this dragon so focused on me, anyways? Shouldn't it be focusing on the two people fighting it, instead of this flailing kid trying to douse a fire? Oh.. I suppose I was a weaker target.. that does make a dark kind of sense... sort of.) I suddenly realized that I could just take the bag off... and did so, embarrassed. (Hey, though, I was scared, and people do dumb things when they're scared! Watch any scary movie. Also, I suppose it's weird the fire didn't spread onto my clothes... but... dragon magic)
     Then, the ceiling fell in. I noticed that, unintentionally, I had made the dragon knock out the ceiling's support. (So they were more plot-convenient than you probably thought they were originally! Not only were they cover, they actually helped!) Lakota and that other guy ran towards me, and then they both grabbed an arm and I was somehow out of the building as the ceiling collapsed. "Man, this book is intense." I thought to myself.

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