Chapter One: Tough times

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There comes a time in a borrower's life when they have to go on their own and find a new home to live in. This time had come for Mark as he has just reached the age that borrowers tend to leave their families. Mark had went through several years without any problems in his new home, however, he was seen and this meant he had to move. He was 27 at this point and he hastily packed what he needed and headed out a crack in the side of his old home. It was a new journey, it was going to be tough but it was a life or death situation.

Mark's POV

It took me several days to get where I was at, but I was pleased with the result of my journey as I glanced at a house in the distance. My new home, it would take me awhile to get everything settled, but if I was lucky borrowers would have already done most of the work for me. However, today wasn't my lucky day as it seemed this was a newly built house. As I peered in through the open door I did my best to calm down my now racing heart. It seems that the human living in this house just moved here as well. This was both a blessing and a curse for me but I had no choice but to live here as it soon started to rain.

After observing the home for several minutes I dashed as fast as my legs could carry me to a cabinet, I quickly pulled out a small pickaxe I had made from branches and broken glass and I begun to make a entrance to my new home. Thankfully the dry wall was easily broken so I was able to hide in the walls just as I heard the human enter into that room. He seemed to be whistling and making some food, which was good as I was getting hungry. I made my way through the walls till I found a small opening to a large dead space. (A dead space in architecture is a section that is left  hallow in your house when built.) I decided this was a perfect place for my home and began setting up everything. 

Tiredness fell on me and I took a nap for an hour or so, when I woke back up a nice fresh smell of newly made cookies filled my nostrils. I peeked through the outlet door I had made and saw the tray of cookies on the cabinet. The human was no where in sight so I dashed out and grabbed a few pieces of the cookie to put in my side bag. Once I got back inside my home I sat down and quietly enjoyed my sweet dinner.

G/t: The Gentle GiantWhere stories live. Discover now