June 7th

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So yesterday I did not write anything because I was too busy watching a movie for extra credit. It was for my Honors U.S. History 1 class. It was a good movie and I recommend it, it was called "Iron Jawed Angels." The movie is set during the early 1900's when women are fighting in the suffrage movement trying to earn their right to vote. This all happened during the time of World War I. It was a great movie and if you support girl power then I say watch it!! I mean I am a feminist, but I'm not a faminnazi!  I believe that girls could do anything guys can, but I don't flaunt it all the time and I don't believe everyone should side with me. I have my beliefs and you have yours!

Any who, back to the extra credit....I really didn't need it, I already have like a 98 in that class, but finals are coming up and if I fail the final then at least I have a back up...but I most likely won't fail the final. No, I am not one of those super duper nerds. Sure I care about my grades, but I'm not going to excessively obsess over them and cry if I get a 90. I'm smart, but I'm not overly smart if that makes sense. Okay, now I sound like I am full of myself!

Currently, I should be doing homework because of finals and all that jazz, but I just can't bring my self to do anything! I just want to ramble on and on. Oh....I took my geometry final today...I will admit, it's not as bad as I thought it  was going to be! I'll be lucky if I get a solid 80. I HATE math, so therefore, I have stopped caring about my grade in geometry. I want to be a journalist when I grow up (go ahead bring the hate) so therefore I won't have to know the circumference of a freaking circle! Ugh, just the word math makes me cringe. Who cares about how many apples it takes to fill a circle! Fuck dem apples! (And yes, I did have a question like this on the PAARC!) I hate the PAARC! If you live in the U.K. I don't know if you take the PAARC, but it is actual hell. I feel like people in the U.K. are smarter then Americans, but I'm not getting into that because I'll probably get mad core hate and yeah, I don't want to make enemies!

Well it looks like the font isn't acting up today! *high fives computer* Yes, I just high fived my computer! Whatcha gonna do about it? That's what I thought! So...what to ramble about now...anything brain?

"You should be doing your homework! Finals are coming up..."

"Shut up inner voice!"

"You know I'm right, if you fail I'm going to tell you I told you so!"

"Shut up!"

"I'm right though, you'll fail and end up on the side of the streets because you couldn't get into a good University or College so therefore you couldn't get a good job!"

"I'm in Business Management and Administration, I think I'll do fine!"

"That's what they all say!"

"Go away!"

"I can't, we're the same person!"


Yes...I just played out lively, an inner discussion to myself! I need help, I won't blame you if you call someone to lock me up. But yet we all have a little crazy in us don't we? We all talk to ourselves in our heads, like Jenna Hamilton did in Awkward! And don't deny it because you're all a bunch of liars! You know, that show was my shit! But the show is no more! I was so upset when the show finale came! So upset no more Matty Mckibben! Ugh...so HOT!! SEEEE.....


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Well I stopped writing before so I could get homework done and now I don't know what I was going to say and my mind is mentally drained from homework! I HATE HOMEWORK!!! So with that said I'm checking out! I'm tired and there are cupcakes in front of me! *eyes cupcakes with crazy eyes and says "Precious!"* So....yeah....cupcakes!!! I'll write tomorrow or whenever I feel like it! 

Duces my dudes!

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