La Bete is a Pain

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I groan as Sam walks into the room and flips the lights on.

"Come on Tori, you have to go to school." Sam sighs as I shake my head and burrow farther down into my blankets.

"I'm not going anywhere." I mutter into my pillow, although it comes out more like 'Mnotooingywhere.' I huff in annoyance when Sam reaches out and yanks my blanket away from me, letting the cool air wash over me.

"Tori, school. Now." Sam commands, tossing my blanket at the end of my bed before he walks out. I sigh, but get up and get ready anyway. I pull my shirt on slowly, hissing in pain from my stupid cracked rib. I don't even bother to run a brush through my hair and instead throw it up into a messy bun. I grab my bag, not bothering to put it on, knowing that that would just cause more pain, before taking the stairs two at a time.

"Victoria, I made you breakfast." Mrs. Argent says, the sentence one of the longest ones that she's said to me in the month that we've lived here.

"Thank you Mrs. Argent." I reply with a smile before eating the pancakes quickly. I smile again before putting the plate in the sink and running outside to the Impala, glaring at Sam and Dean as I climb into the back.

"Would it kill you to smile?" Sam asks sarcastically. I just roll my eyes in response and sit back in my seat, eager to see Stiles and Scott. The second the Impala stops outside of the school, I jump out and run in ignoring the "advice" that Dean shouts at me. I rush into English and sit at my desk, raising an eyebrow at Stiles' pissed off look.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask, digging through my head to try and figure out what was wrong with the normally hyper boy. He turned to his right and glared at Scott before turning back to me.

"Scott let your brother get hurt, even though you were already in the hospital and had enough to worry about. He was going to let my dad get hurt." Stiles says with a deep frown. I turn to Scott.

"Would Allison have gotten hurt if you hadn't helped her and helped Dean instead?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. Scott nods and I turn back to Stiles.

"In that case, I'm glad that he chose Allison. My whole job here is to protect her, and if something bad happens to her I'm going to have to move again and I'm sort of getting attached to this place." I admit with a shrug before digging a pencil and notebook from my bag. Stiles' eyes widen and he looks between me and Scott before huffing loudly and turning back to the front of the classroom. The bell rang and Stiles continued to ignore Scott. I glanced at Scott, who was tapping his desk with his pencil and bouncing around nervously. He had become Stiles.

"Still not talking to me? Okay, Tori forgave me. Dean's just bruised, it's not serious and I feel really bad about it." Scott starts, leaning slightly forward as he waits for a reaction from Stiles who had gone surprisingly still. "Okay, what if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out and...that I went to Derek for help." Scott finishes, in a last ditch effort to get Stiles to say something to him.

"If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you." Stiles says, not turning back to face either one of us. I turn to Scott and raise and eyebrow before leaning towards Stiles in an attempt to help him crack just a little faster. "What did he say?" He finally asks, whirling around. I grin widely at him, ignoring the red that appears on his cheeks.


"The what of who?" Lydia asks as we sit down at lunch. I munch on a fry nervously. The beast of Gevaudan was, in my opinion, Kate's way to introduce Allison to the supernatural world.

"The beast of Gevaudan. Listen, "a quadruped wolf-like monster, prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bete killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that the King Louis the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it." Allison reads aloud, a fascinated look on her face.

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