Chapter 1

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Mascara check, lipgloss check, blush check, eyeliner check, nakedness... check, looked one more time in the mirror before I make it out on stage. They say that today a lot of important people are coming, and all the girls in the club have to look there best, especially the girls who are first sold, and last returned.

I'm one of those girls... that's girls that is just here for a price. She is put on a showcase does her best pose and the lucky winner that takes her home for the night has the best night of his life.

As I was in my room I noticed a picture of me and my mother when I was a little child. I looked so happy and pure back than. I looked like I didn't have a care for the world, but I guess things change when you hit that age where you have to depend on yourself.

I zoned in the picture and remember exactly what happened when we took that picture. It was the first day of the summer, last day of school, and last day of my own happiness.

My dad wanted to have some family time since we barley saw him. He decided to have a small family picnic in the park.

Me and Jack my brother jumped about the idea and we were so excited. My mom went and got the picnic stuff ready whiled me, Jake, and dad played in front of the car. He would put Jake over his shoulders and tell him to hold tight, whiled picking me up and tickling me. My laughter would be so loud as my mom came with the food telling us to stop playing around like a children with a smile across her face.

We would arrive to the park and me and Jack would run off playing whiled mom and dad set everything up. Before we started to eat my father wanted to take a couple of pictures. First it was me mom and Jack. Mom was holding us both and kissing our forth head. And it was me and mom she picked me up and hugged me tight. Her hug was big and warming. He took the picture.

My dad decided to play hide and seek. We started to play and I was counting

. They all went and I stayed there and waited for a minute, two, five, an hour, two hours, I controlled my tears, a six year old controlling her own tears in the middle of the park. Then all the sudden I heard police sirens going off all over the place.

The tears started to kick in and I was afraid, they come and dragged three dead bodies from behind the trees, knives stabbed in there stomachs. I stared at them, nothing to sat, nothing to do, nothing to react just staring, not even dropping one single tear.

The years passed and I turned 18 and I had to leave the orphanage, the only thing that i had in front of me and I started to work there, and that's how everything started...



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