Elben turned around in shock. "Where?"

Kitty quickly took out a matchstick and lighted both herself and Miyuki's candle. "Lord Elben, we have lighted the candle." She alerted him when she was done.

"Hmmm... Very good." Lord Elben praised.

The Foodhall, huh? What a low class place.

Miyuki yawned as Sonea told her classmates about her days in the slums. That's nothing. She bet if she and Kitty were to live in the slums, there's no need for the purge because all the slums dwellers would be chased away by them.

"Hey, Sonea, look what I've saved for you!" Regin came in with a plate of bread scraps and brown sauce.

"That's very nice of you, Regin." Sonea said sarcastically.

"I'm curious about one thing, though. Where did you get it from?" Kitty butt in. "Virgin, I didn't know you're a beggar too. How nice of you, indeed, to beg those food just for Sonea. Too bad Sonea is more dignified than you, so she won't eat something like that."


Miyuki whispered something to Kitty, so they did not hear Regin as he complained like a baby.

"Okay! You know what to do right?" Miyuki asked Kitty. Kitty nodded eagerly and dashed to the toilet.

"Oh look, everyone!" Miyuki pointed to the ceilings. "Isn't that Lady Vinara doing the chicken dance?"

Everyone looked up. Miyuki took the chemical from her bag and sprinkled it into their food. Except nice people's, like Sonea.

"Are you blind? There's nothing... What are you doing?" Regin yelled.

Miyuki felt her heart skipping a beat. "Erm... This... This is... Vitamin A. I'm adding Vitamin A, it'll make you very handsome."

The stupid novices gobbled up their food greedily, some even asked for more. Miyuki wanted to punch all of those fools.

Her anger did not last long. Because one by one, the novices started excusing themselves to the toilet, clutching their stomachs in pain. Regin, who ate the most, even cried in pain.

Miyuki smiled as she waited. 1, 2, 3...

"HELP!" a novice screamed.

Some of the magicians in the Foodhall stood and rushed to the novice.

Lord Garrel asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

"Uncle... I mean, Lord Garrel!" Regin came rushing in. "Someone sealed up the toilet! And... I need to... In fact, all the novices are having a bad stomachache!"

Lord Garrel looked at the novices. "What did all of you eat? Why are Sonea and Miyuki and Kitty unaffected?"

A light bulb seemed to flash in Regin's head. "It must be...!"

"Yes!" Miyuki said. "It must be the gods above who are punishing you naughty novices. The gods don't punish good people."

She added on, "Virgin, now I know why your whole House perished. Everyone did really bad stuff and had this stomachache problem right?"

Kitty came back from the toilet, a triumph smile on her face.


"Wow! This is an awesome BEACH!"

Miyuki and Kitty sat down and began building sandcastles. Everyone else in the Arena stared at them like they were crazy. Some of the novices went to their rooms after the food poisoning incident while most were good enough to resume classes after being healed.

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