Chapter Seventeen

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"Yes, it is. It's urgent, Father." Corrie wanted to add that he might be aware of her worsening condition if he visited Christina more often, but she herself had been unaware so she bit back the retort. "We're taking her to Richmond in the morning."

"This is preposterous! I can't just leave my work here. I'm the mayor; the town depends on me!" Oliver raged, puffing out his chest.

"That's why you and Mother aren't coming with us," Corrie explained in a tone that prohibited argument. "Aunt Jack will serve as a chaperone, and both the doctor and his sister have agreed to accompany us for the purpose of introducing Christina and I to a doctor who specializes in treating pneumonia."

"The doctor is going to go with you? This is ludicrous!" Oliver fetched his pipe from where it had fallen on his armchair, releasing a puff of smoke. "What does Edwin have to say about this?"

"I'm going to inform Edwin of our unexpected journey, but he has no say in this. Christina's life may be on the line, so we must go." Corrie raised her voice. "It's not up for negotiation!"

At the stunned look on her parents' faces, she almost apologized, but this was one matter on which she could not retreat.

"Is it it really so serious?" Anita asked in a low, tremulous voice.

Corrie nodded, swallowing the lump forming in her throat. "It is. That's why we need to go."

Corrie looked into her mother's almond-shaped pale green eyes, a mirror image of her own. Anita drew in a deep, shaky breath, and for a moment, Corrie caught the glimmer of tears in her eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes closed, displaying a line of worried wrinkles.

"Then go," Anita murmured, standing up and touching Corrie's hand. "Christina's life matters more than anything else."

Corrie released a breath and felt the tightness in her chest decompress. She stood and moved to depart from the sitting room, but Anita clutched Corrie's hand, her fingers icy tentacles.

"Take care of her," Anita whispered. "Bring my baby girl home."
Fighting back tears, Corrie accepted the mantel of responsibility and nodded. She would bring Christina home safe and healthy if it was the last thing she did.


Corrie gathered a steadying breath and pressed the earpiece to her ear, waiting for Edwin to pick up on the other end of the line. She was nervous to speak with him, more nervous than she should be. The worry over Christina had quelled her feelings for Dr. Benjamin, but she felt about speaking with Edwin while her disloyal emotions remained. Duty over emotion, she reminded herself.


"Edwin, it's me."

"Cornelia, darling! How are you? I received your letter a few days ago but haven't had a chance to respond yet. We've been quite busy here with the start of the summer season, and..."
Corrie's attention lapsed as Edwin described in vivid detail the latest styles of the season and the behavior of a certain Miss Dorset or Mr. Richards. While these sordid rumors might have entertained her not so long ago, Corrie wearied at their vapidity. As Edwin shared the story of some frivolity and laughed into the telephone, he realized he had lost her attention when she did not laugh along with him.

"Cornelia, darling? Is something wrong?"

The concern in his voice melted Corrie. "Yes, yes, everything's wrong. Christina's health has taken a bad turn."

"I'm so sorry, darling. Is there anything I can do? Should I wire you money?"

"No, no, of course not!" Corrie balked. "I called to inform you that I will be accompanying her to Richmond to see a specialist."

"A specialist?"

"Yes, Dr. Benjamin has a colleague from medical school who specializes in treating pneumonia. We're taking Christina to see him in hopes that he can suggest some remedy we haven't yet tried."

"We," Edwin said flatly. "You and that doctor?"

"And his sister and my aunt. We're all accompanying her," Corrie rushed to explain, her face burning.

"This doctor's taken quite a personal interest in you," Edwin murmured, voice as sharp as a bullet.

"He's only concerned about Christina's welfare," Corrie protested though she couldn't deny Edwin's accusation. "We all are."

"Well, enjoy your trip to the city with your new beau," Edwin complained.

"Ed, it's not like that," Corrie pleaded.

She hated the whiny pitch of her voice. Who was she to beg for a man's loyalty, especially one to whom she had not remained loyal?

"I have nothing to worry about?" Edwin asked.

Regardless of how she felt, she would never do anything to betray her courtship with Edwin. Corrie gripped the edge of the telephone's wooden box to stop her hands from shaking. As long as Edwin cared for her and remained loyal to her, she would do the same. Besides, loyalty was stronger and less fleeting than affection any ways.

"Nothing," Corrie said, convincing herself it was the truth.

"Then I must trust you, I suppose." Edwin sighed. "Safe travels, my dear Miss Walker."


First of all, I'm pretty thrilled to announce that "Sharing Corrie" won 1st place in the historical fiction category of the Galaxy Awards! Shoutout to ofthesea-!

And off they go to Richmond! Does Edwin have anything to worry about? Do we really care if he does? One bonus to this impromptu trip is that there won't be any Oliver for a few chapters...although who can resist wanting to punch him?

Stay tuned for more chapters later this week! And thank you for helping Sharing Corrie pass 500 reads!

~ Hannah

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