Fix You

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A/N: Kinda sucks but here's a sad imagine.

You slowly opened your eyes only to see a blur of black and yellowish colors. Your head is pounding as your vision slowly gets back to normal and you realize where you are. Everything is upside down, shattered glass is covering the roof of the car you're still in.

You unbuckled your seat belt in a rush and fell on the glass-covered ground, causing bits of the glass to cut the skin of your bare hands.

You crawled out of the car and pushed yourself up on your feet, then stumbled to the driver side of the car.

You knelt down and looked inside to see your husband, lying down on his stomach. Tears welled up in your eyes at the sight. Almost completely dry blood was covering the side of his face.

You pull him out of the car and he groaned in pain as he woke up, "N-no," He managed to croak out.

You turned him on his back and a gasp escaped your mouth as you saw a big piece of glass stuck in his stomach, "Oh my god, no," You cried as you covered your mouth with your hand.

"I-I'm s-sorry," He stuttered before coughing out blood.

"No, you'll be okay," You reassured him as you leaned closer to him and placed one hand on his stomach and the other on his cheek, stroking it gently.

He shook his head and grabbed the wrist of your hand placed on his stomach with his shaky hand. Tears started streaming down your face, as well as Patrick's.

"I'm calling 911," You said as you took your phone out of your pocket, "You'll be okay," You repeated, though it was more to reassure yourself than him.

After calling 911, Patrick's eyes started to close once again but you shook him so he wouldn't go.

"I'm so tired," He said just above a whisper.

You placed a hand on his cheek and leaned closer to his face, "But you can't sleep, honey. Hold on, alright? I can't let you go."

"I promise you I will learn from my mistakes," He said just as quiet as before.

Lights glistened on you two's tears stained faces, "No, no. Don't say that," You chuckled sadly.

You closed your eyes and leaned closer to press a kiss to his lips. You pulled out of the embrace and opened your eyes to see his were closed.

Another set of tears came streaming down your face as you held his cold body close to you and lost something you can't replace.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now