We are at lunch and he smiles at me but I can see he is nervous, “Austin do you want to talk?” He shakes his head. Half way through lunch Austin grabs my hand and pulls me out of the lunch room and into a sitting area. “Austin what’s wrong?” He looks at me and looks around, “I don’t feel right.” I look around but smile, “Austin you look fine. I’m sure its nothing but an off day.” He nods and hugs me, “Your amazing you know that?” I laugh and nod as he pulls back. “Come on I bet Alex is waiting for me to give you back.” I laugh as he takes me back into the lunch room and sits me next to Alex.

“What was that all about?” I shake my head, “I think he is having an off day.” Alex nods and leans over and kisses my cheek, “I want to go to the beach after school, DO you want to come with me?” I nod then look down, “Wait, I promised Aubrey I would pick her up today.” He smiles at me, “Oaky, well we can pick her up and take her to the beach and then we can go to the park.” I smile and hug him.

After school I am at my locker when Alex throws his arm around my shoulder, “So do you want to go to the house first or pick Aubrey up first.” I think for a second and then Austin coughs, “I can pick Aubrey up if you guys want to have fun.” I shake my head, “It’s fine Austin really. You have helped so much. I think Aubrey would love the beach.” He nods and pulls me in for a hug, “If you need me, call me.”

I decided we should go to my house first. Alex pulls into my house as I am getting out and he runs over and picks me up spinning me around. I start to giggle as he leans in and kisses me. After we pull away we head into the house and I walk upstairs and change into a blue bikini and a tank top with shorts. I slip my sandals back on and grab Aubrey a beach bag and head downstairs to see Alex already in swim trunks and t-shirt.

He smiles when he sees me and we head outside to the cars. We stop and look and he smiles, “Okay which car?” I look at the two and smile, “Mine, I got the car seat.” He nods and reaches for the keys. “What?” He laughs, “I want to drive you.” I shrug and hand him the keys.

Getting in the car we head off to Aubrey’s school. He parks the car and smiles before leaning in and kissing me. We pull back and smile, “Let’s go get the little one?” I nod and we get out and head inside and as soon as Aubrey sees us she squeals and runs to Alex and hugs his legs. “Aweck.” He laughs and picks her up spinning her, “Little one you are getting so big. Have you been good?” She nods and smiles before kissing his cheek and reaching for me. “Momma?” I hug her and kiss her cheek, “You want to go swim?” She looks around then back to Alex, “Aweck there?” I laugh and nod, “He will teach you.” She nods and wraps her arms around me.

Waving bye to her teacher we walk out to the car and I hook her in the car seat and before we get into the car Alex pulls me to him and kisses me, “You look so adorable. I love how you are with Aubrey.” I smile and hug him, “You are amazing with her. She just loves you.” He smiles and get in the drivers seat while I take the passengers. He drives us to the beach and when we get Aubrey out she looks around confused. I laugh and take her over to the bathrooms and change her before putting her in her swim outfit. We meet Alex outside and he takes Aubrey and kisses her cheek before we  head over to a spot and I take off my outer clothes and he hands me Aubrey before taking off his shirt.

We walk to the ocean and I set Aubrey in it and Alex grabs her and starts to teach her again. I am enjoying the water and the way Alex is with Aubrey.

After being at the beach for awhile we get dressed and head to the park. We push Aubrey on the swings and then Alex plays airplane with her. We sit down and watch her play in the sandbox and he grabs my hand. “She is so amazing.” I smile and nod, “I know.”

Aubrey fell asleep in the car on the way home and Alex picks her up and takes her upstairs while I grab the bags. I walk up the stairs and see Aubrey changed and in bed and Alex singing to her. I set her bags down and smile at him. He is so great with her. I watch him sing to her softly and smile. He leans down and kisses her forehead before turning around and seeing me.

I smile and he comes over and hugs me. We walk out of the room and I smile at how caring he is to her. A girl who isn’t even his own. I wonder what he would be like to a baby of his own. Woah, did I just think that. I see him and smile again, I think I am falling in love with Alex.

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now