Am I Wrong ?

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Our assailant took off his ski mask. I was fuckin shocked. I might not have liked Jayon, but for his older brother Adrieon to be brought into this, that was just un-called for.

Camerons eyes grew big, and registered with some kinda hurt intent. How she know this nigga? And why she look so emotionally attached?

"Adrieon?" Her voice was barley a whisper. He turned towards her.

First of all I know! I know these bitches ain't havin a fuckin moment in this situation. Second of all, this nigga is like 20 so wtf?

"Cameron? Baby I ain't even know that was you! You've changed"

Cameron looked so vulnerable. I had a straight up attitude.

Aaron busted out laughin. "Nigga you look upset!"

I shot him a glare. "I'd like it if you'd back up outta my girlfriends face now" I said with hints sarcasm dripping from my voice.

If she still even was my girlfriend! Cameron looked like she was bouta have a fucking oragasm as Adrieon stared at her.

"Drake!" Adrieon yelled. Moments later his partner Drake came shuffling down the steps.

"Man you know this white bitch bouta give a nigga some pussy! Whatchu want?" Drake asked.

"Remember Cammy? Torian and Leah's daughter?" Adrieon asked.

"Cameron?" Drake asked. Okay now I was just fuckin lost and curious.

"Yup yup yup" Adrieon smiled.

"I aint seen her since Chance died"

Camerons head whipped up. "Why you gotta bring my brother into this?" She snapped.

She had a brother? Where her mamma at now? Soon after that Drake started grinning looking from Cameron to Adrieon, back and forth.

"Can somebody tell me what's goin on?" I asked.

"Them two used to fuck! It aint obvious?" Aaron snapped.

My heart dropped to my feet. I knew it!

My eyes darted to Camerons. She looked away from me. Ion even care that she aint a virgin. Shit! Mary wasn't a virgin! She knew she was gettin that pussy pounded on the regular. (A/n No offence to all religious readers ( : happy reading)

What really hurt me was that she lied to me. All them times I was stickin by her being faithful and respecting the fact that she was a virgin she was bullshittin me.
Man ion even know if I wanna be with her or not. But this shit hit hard asf. And I guess that's what I get for falling in love. Or do I even love this girl at all?

"Cameron tell me this aint true" Was the only words that I let out my mouth.

Adrieon stood there with a smug smile on his face.

"Khyro I can explain.... Its not what it seems" Cameron finally had the nerve to try an look me in my eyes.

"I knew I shouldn't have ever trusted you, and thats my fault. I put you above my conscious. Had me tryna turn a hoe into a housewife".

"Fuck you Cameron! When these fuckers let us go I want you, the white bitch, and Aaron up out my shit. Simple and fuckin easy"

The more the forbidden words flew out my mouth the more I regretted them. And the more angrier I got.


"Forget it. My decision is made. You can finish fuckin that nigga and Ima do me. Ya dig?" I asked.

She dropped her head defeatedly. "Okay" Cameron replied. And I instantly felt bad.

What was I leaving her for? For not being a virgin? Or for lying to me? You know what they say. If you dont have trust, you don't have a relationship.

Could I trust her?

"Man we gone have to tell Jayon it didn't go through because I'm not hurting Cameron either way." Drake said.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Adrieon just stared for a bit. "You right" He stroked his goatee. "Untie them so we can get the fuck outta here" Adrieon stared at Cameron for another minute or so but she wouldn't look at him.

"Cameron do you live here?" He finally asked.

"Not anymore" She said quietly.

Then It dawned on me somemore that Cameron didn't have anywhere to stay.

"So I guess you're coming with me since you gotta get out of his shit?" Adrieon asked her.

"No" Cameron said. "I'm goin home"

"You do know ya dad moved to Arizona last week? He told me he couldn't get in touch with you. Or else he would have took you with him."

"Are you serious?" She asked. Adrieon nodded.

"Well... I guess Im coming with you "


The whole ride to Adrieons house was nerve wrecking. He kept askin me questions about Khyro. Like 'how I met him' and 'do I love him'

But I didnt answer him. The only thing I was worried about was how I was gonna have to face the whole school, while they laughed and giggled about Khyro kicking me out on my ass.

But Khyro dont listen to nobody and he doesn't understand me and Adrieon's relationship. And by no-means did I know that he was Jayons brother.

Me and Adrieon met at a family reunion. A year after my mom left. My dad had dragged me to it. And told me that just because my mom was gone doesnt mean I can't connect to her side of the family.

But anyways Adrieon said he wasn't united with the Taylor-Baisley family he was only there working as the DJ, I was guessing that was his hobby. But he said he just did it from time to time for money.

After a few hours of flirting with me. I finally agreed to let him take me to a Carnival. Mind you I was only in 10th Grade. I was supposed to be in 9th but they bumped me up a bit. Thats why I'm 17 as a senior.

He said he had just graduated that year. So what harm could it be? He was sexy as fuck. Had a body. Long hair. He was the kinda guy I could only reach in my dreams.

So after spending a few weeks of my time with him we did it. I let him take my virginity. Who was I to kid? I was in love and at that ; he was the only person that could fully make me happy after my mom left us.

In my mind I quickly put togther an escape. Me and Adrieon were gonna run off into the sunlight together and escape all of our memories and pain. But then my twin brother Chance died. And Chance being Adrieon's usual reason to come around with out my dad being suspicious of something.

So eventually we drifted apart. And I moved on. Having to face the world on my own. But then I still had Dhyrah and Kyauna as my friends. Even tho me and Dhyrah were tight. I always kept Adrieon a secret from her. Nomatter how many times she asked me when I lost my virginity I lied and said. 'I never lost it. And I'm still a Virgin'

"Cameron" Adrieon pulled into a driveway.

The house was big, I made a mental note to ask him what he was majoring in.

"Are you gonna get out?" He asked me. As he came around to open the door for me.

"Adrieon you don't have to help me out. I'm fine I can do this on my own"

"Your right. I don't have to help you. But I want to... I somehow feel I owe you.."

"You know what? That's the past its over you don't owe me shit so what's the real reason?"

"Cameron I still love you, and I know I hurt you in the past but.."

"What tha fuck ever Adrieon. Today you bitch ass ruined the one thing I had left! Now what am I supposed to do? Man this all some bullshit!"

Ion give a fuck about him nomore. Since I met him all he has done is cause me grief and heartbreak so fuck him!

His Thuggish WaysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang