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? - "Rodney"

Zoe - "You got a problem with her"

Me - "Zoe stay out of it, let's just go please"

Rodney - "You left me and thought I wasn't gone find you, you a silly bitch"

Zoe - "Watch your fucking mouth"

They both had their fist balled up. I jumped in front of them cause I know how Zoe cut. You and I know he would fuck Rodney whole life up. I gotta do something.

Me - "If our friendship means anything to you, you would come with me"

Zoe just looked at me like he was thinking about what I said. He smacked his lips and turned to walk away. You can tell he hated backing down from anybody.

Rodney - "I'll see you around Aurie"

We got to the car and I just knew I had some explaining to do. He got in the seat and put the key in but didn't start the car.

Zoe -"I'm waiting"

Me - "Well that was the ex I didn't want to talk about awhile back, we met when I was 16 and dated for awhile until I found out I was pregnant at age 17 after he took my virginity, he thought I was trynna trap him with a baby but I wasn't, the day I told him he punched me repeatedly in my stomach while his boys held my arms out the way...I ended up having a miscarriage, that broke me completely, yeah I was young but I wanted to keep her, I got my revenge by burning his clothes, house, cars, everything, anybody he had beef with I told them where he be at and all his future plans, I wanted him dead, sadly he made it out, I left town to have a fresh start, it's just catching up with me now"

I had tears of hate when I spoke him. He ruined my life more than my Mom did. If no one loves you, your children do unconditionally, I didn't get the chance to have that experience because of him being selfish. Zoe looked at me with his eyes showing sympathy. I wiped my face and tried to cheer up a little.

Zoe - "I'm sorry for making you relive that, I didn't know"

Me - "It's cool can you just take me home"

We pulled up at my house in no time, I was happy to be home. We sat in the car before Zoe drove off.

Zoe - "You gone be aight"

Me - "Yeah, thanks for asking"

I smiled faintly.

Zoe - "That's what best friends are for, and if you need to talk don't be afraid to call me at anytime, ok ?"

Me - "Okay"

Zoe left after he seen me safely in the house. It's now around 3 in the morning and I'm up crying still. I wish I could take back what I did so I don't have to worry about Rodney coming after me, but hell he deserved it right ? I don't know what to think, I picked up my phone and went to Zoe's name. I know it's late but I really need him so I called.

Zoe - "Hello ?" He answer dryly and tired

Me - "It's Aurie"

Zoe - "I know that, but why in THE fuck are you calling at this time, I know you miss a nigga but damn"

I chuckled at him, he so conceited.

Me - "You told me to call you, so bring your ass over here"

Zoe - "Mannnnn aight"

Once he got here we just cuddled and talked, I completely vented to him about my life story, and he did the same. We were already close, but now we're inseparable.

Her past ?

How yall feel about Zoe and Aurie friendship ?

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