A long time ago, in a magical land called Mewni, lived a princess...
"Moon! Please come down before you hurt yourself."
Deep within the kingdom's castle, there was a stout, young boy with his gaze nervously fixed up at the high palace ceiling. His name was River Johansen, and he was busy arguing with the crowned princess of the kingdom of Mewni, Moon Butterfly. She was sitting at least ten feet above him, swinging merrily from one of the castle's many crystal chandeliers, like it was nothing more than an intricate metal swing. Her long pale blue hair swished behind her as she swung back-and-forth, ignoring the ominous creaks that foretold imminent breaking. Moon Butterfly was a spoiled little princess and she treated almost all the priceless family heirlooms in the Butterfly castle like they were her toys. This life-threatening stunt was only one of many from over the past few months. She was currently fifteen-years-old and starting in a new rebellious phase of her life. Everyone around her prayed that she'd go through this phase as quickly as she did her 'glitter on everything' phase. However, there appeared to be no end in sight...
"Relax, River. I do this all the time." Moon replied, breezily. Her diamond cheeks dimpled with a large chaotic grin. "It's sooooooooooo fun!"
"Moon Amalthea Butterfly! Get down from there at once!"
A high, cruel voice that was clearly not River had snapped at her angrily from below. Moon hung upside down off the chandelier to see her mother, Queen Comet Butterfly, glaring up at her in fury. "You're supposed to be having your magic lesson with Glossaryck. What do you think you're doing, young lady?"
"I thought I'd invite River over instead. I mean—I can literally have that lesson at any time. It's not like he's going anywhere." Moon scoffed, in rebuttal. All of the women in the Butterfly family were gifted magic users and, as per tradition, Moon had received two of the family's most valuable heirlooms on her fourteenth birthday. A magic wand and a spellbook written by all the former queens of Mewni. They were the only two heirlooms she didn't completely abuse because, despite her reluctance to go to lessons, she was excited to be learning magic. Sir Glossaryck of Terms was her magic teacher and had literally come with the book. He was tasked to teach her how to use her magic properly and was doing so at an aggravatingly slow pace.
Moon didn't really have a problem with him, despite her refusal to go to her lessons. It's just his teaching was far too slow for her taste. It had been a whole year since she received these gifts, and they were still stuck in the dull basics of levitating things and transportation. She just wanted to get to the cool stuff she might actually use in the future, like attack magic she could use against the monsters that threatened their kingdom. Although things were mostly civil between the two sides, there were still moments of uproar. Whispers of revolutions in the shadows. Talks against the monarchy. Things would never be completely settled between them.
"Moon! I mean it! Get down here now!" her mother snapped again. The butterflies on her cheeks were nearly red with rage, rather than their normal purple, and had their own disappointed expressions. Moon sighed.
She removed the blue crystal heart rod from her pocket and waved it, lazily. An intricate set of stairs appeared where she had pointed, and Moon reluctantly removed herself from the chandelier. When she reached the bottom, the long set of stairs simply disappeared in a puff of smoke. "See, mother—I got down using my magic. I don't need anymore lessons."
"Just go..." her mother sighed. She was too resigned to further argue. She pointed Moon into the direction of two armored guards ready to escort her to the library where Glossaryck was probably waiting.
"Bye River. I'll see you in the future maybe. In like four years, when I finally become queen and they can't keep me under castle arrest anymore!" Moon replied, sarcastically. She stormed off with the royal guards following close behind her, before River could even say his goodbye. He sighed and was escorted by another guard towards the main entrance.

Monster Love |~Moon and Toffee~|
FanfictionMoon Butterfly was more like her daughter then she'd ever dare to admit. She was once an out-of-control, rebel princess. A ball of lightning in a hot pink dress. Then, when a monster named Toffee was assigned to reign her into queendom and responsib...