I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head back so I could look him in the eye. "You think I'm not capable of going solo?" Matter of fact, I didn't think I was capable of going solo, but I didn't want Luke thinking the same. 

Luke laughed. It was a lovely sound that warmed me down to my toes, like I'd just chugged hot chocolate or something equally delicious.  

"I know how capable you are, Kiara," he said, touching his jaw where I'd head-butted him. 

Colour scalded my cheeks as I remembered our scrap inside the asylum. 

"But I also know young hunters like you usually come from hunting families." Luke studied me, as if waiting for me to confirm it. For a split-second I was suspicious, wondering if he was simply trying to get information out of me. But when I looked into his eyes, I saw no hint of deceit. I reminded myself again that if Luke wanted me dead, he'd had ample opportunity over the days we'd known each other.  

"You're right. I am from a hunting family." 

"The family that slays together, stays together," Luke muttered. 

I stared up at him and something ugly wormed its way into my brain. I was forgoing everything I'd ever believed in, questioning my entire life simply because Luke told me to. But not all vampires were as innocent as he made out. They might not all deserve to die, but my family hunted them for a reason. There were monsters among vampire-kind, creatures that completely fulfilled everything Noah had ever taught me about bloodsuckers. Luke couldn't be ignorant of this.

I thought of Ethan. His entire family had been slaughtered by vampires, leaving him an orphan on the streets. It was no wonder he dedicated his life to hunting them. I felt like I was betraying our friendship by even standing here. Something hot and angry stung the backs of my eyes.  

"I have to go," I said, taking a step back.  

Luke's eyes filled with confusion. "Kiara, wait." He held out his hands as if I was a frightened animal he was trying to soothe. 

I turned on my heel. 


One word, yet it stopped me dead in my tracks. I don't know why. There was a pleading note in Luke's voice that tugged at something inside me. I didn't want to stay, but I didn't want to go either. 

"Kiara, what's wrong?" 

"You're a vampire," I snarled. "I'm supposed to kill you, not stand here and make small talk." 

Luke's eyes were like stars burning into me. I squirmed under the intensity of his stare. When he spoke, his voice was low and tight with something I couldn't identify. "I don't deserve to die." He took a step towards me. "You talk about killing me, but I've done nothing wrong. What gives you the right to decide whether a vampire lives or dies?" I expected him to be angry, but he just sounded tired. I wondered what past experience he might have had with hunters. 

"I have a friend - more like a brother actually," I said. "Vampires butchered his whole family." 

As soon as the words were out, I clamped my mouth shut. Ethan's story was not mine to tell. It wasn't something he liked talking about, and I had no right to spread his personal tragedies. Now I felt even more like I was betraying him.  

I shook my head. I spun around and started walking again. 

"I lost my family too." 

For the second time that night, Luke's words stopped me dead. Shock rippled across my skin, turning into goose-bumps. "What did you say?" I turned to face him. 

When Darkness Falls (Book 1, the Darkness Falls Series)Where stories live. Discover now