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"Captain Cold is back?" Cisco asks as we all walk into the cortex.

Barry just told us that the steels doors were frozen over, making it shatter like glass and only one type of machine can do that.

"For a non-metahuman, Leonard Snart is quite the nemesis," Wells states as he rolls up to a computer.

"He still has the cold gun, the one he stole from us. The one I built," Cisco informs, even though it is very obvious Snart still has the gun.

"What does he want this time?" Caitlin asks.

"Us," Barry and I stay at the same time, making us look at each other and then awkwardly look away.

"Well, Flash and...Bolt," I explain, making everyone furrow their eyebrows. "What? I need a superhero name too and I happen to like the name I had as a vigilante."

"I like it," Cisco comments. "But why would he want you two?"

"Who know, but if Snart wants a fight, then we'll give him one.

"Well..." Dr. Wells trails off as if he doesn't want us to do anything to Snart.

"You don't think we should?" Barry asks, almost offended.

"I didn't say that. But, Barry, Riley, as fast as you two are, you cannot be everywhere at once," Dr. Wells explains. "And it becomes then a question of priorities. In the last month, Barry and Riley, you have made...a commitment to increasing your speed and reflexes. It's working, you two are getting faster."

"Okay, but what do you expect us to do? Ignore Snart?" I ask in disbelief on what Wells is spewing out of his mouth.

"The last time you two took on Snart, a train derailed. You were lucky to get all those people to safety," Wells responds. "Now, if you don't give him that fight--"

"He may just back off," Barry finishes for Wells, understanding his logic. "And there'll be no casualties."

"Look, Cisco, Riley and I will work with Joe and the police and devise a way to catch Cold. Yes, I said it. Soon as it came out of my mouth, I heard it," Wells says, making me chuckle.

Huh, haven't laughed in a while.

"We can come up with ways to protect people from Snart," Cisco suggests.

"Like a shield," I explain and Cisco nods in agreement.

"Let's do some testing," Cisco says in a confident voice.

"You mean, I finally get to test some stuff?" I ask excitedly.

"You bet you do," Cisco answers as we go to the computer and start looking for items in the S.T.A.R. Labs inventory.


"Cisco," I say in a warning tone as we go up the precinct elevators. "Remember, these are my old coworkers and future uncle you're about to talk, please try not act weirder than you look."

"What do you mean?"

"I hate to say this, look like a ghostbuster," I explain, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Well, I happen to like Ghostbusters, thank you very much," Cisco sasses, making me laugh before we walk into the precinct, all eyes on us. "Uh, excuse me," Cisco shouts. "If we could have everyone's attention, please."

"You have our attention, Mr. Ramon," David explains in a bored tone.

"Okay, check it. So Dr. Wells, Riley, and I, we took your ballistic shields and--" Cisco walks around with gun in his hand before David interrupts him by lowering the gun so he doesn't kill anyone. "And we lined them with a pretty sweet compacted heating ribbon designed to repel temperature attacks, especially those reaching absolute zero, like Captain Cold's gun."

"That's supposed to keep us from getting turned into popsicles?" an officer asks, curiously.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, they will," Cisco answers.

"How are we supposed to trust S.T.A.R. Labs after you nuked the city?" another officer asks, skeptical on if the shields will work.

"You're right," Cisco mumbles. "You're right. you shouldn't trust us. What happened a year ago, that was our fault. And we can't change the past, as much as we wish we could. Even you can't trust us, trust someone who has had the captain's trust for years, Riley Miller. But know, tomorrow is a different story. Tomorrow is a different thing. We just want the chance to make things better. Observe," Cisco puts on his goggles and aims his gun at the shield a dummy is holding and shoots at it with it's freezing blast, the shield frosts and melts away in seconds, but the dummy is not harmed.

"Dummies are one officers are another," David states to Cisco.

"We know," I respond. "And we wont allow them to get hurt."


"Of course there's another one!" I yell at myself in David's office after he tells me that Snart has a partner. "This is all my fault, I should've added something or make--"

"Hey," David interrupts me. "It's not your fault, you didn't know, okay?" he wraps his arms around me, "You did the best you could, officers were injured, but they're gonna be okay." 

I never should have listened to Barry and Wells, I could've saved these people and everything would be okay.

Before I can say anything to David, my phone starts buzzing, "Hello?"

"Riley, they took Caitlin," Joe states, making my day a whole lot worse.

"Where?" I ask, trying not to cry in front of David.

"There's no sign of her but her car is outside of Jitters," Joe responds.

"I'm on my way," I explain before hanging up. I look at David with apologetic eyes, "I have to go, S.T.A.R. Labs need me."

Since I can no longer work at Picture News and working with Barry is just really awkward, I decided to work full time at S.T.A.R. Labs to learn more about my father's death and because it's where I feel safest.

David nods, "Go ahead."

I speed walk out of the precinct and super speed to Jitters to see police tape surrounding Caitlin's frozen car.

Why Caitlin? She didn't deserve this!

"Oh, my god," I breathe out as I walk closer to the car, walking past Barry and Joe. Anger boils up inside me and I storm up to the two, "We're getting her back. We have to find Snart."

"Damn right we do," Joe agrees and leads Barry and I somewhere," come on, let's go."


Here's the chapter! I hope you guys liked it! I'll post the other half of the episode ASAP!

Until next time!

this is CC over and out!

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