Stupid in Love ( EXO FanFics )

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"JB , LOOK ! You made it at the try out" she exclaims very delightedly

"Does this mean I am now an official member of the team ?" he asked as he holds her on both shoulder , shaking her excitedly

"YES !" she said as he hugged her so very tight .. They were very happy .. As if they won a grand prize or something .. He was jumping out of joy , while she was laughing looking at him ...

"aigoo~you know your hurting yourself when you kept on staring at them like that .."

I turned around to see who's talking , and saw Kai behind me -________- Did he stand there so long ?

"D.O as much as I like her to be your girlfriend , but I can't let myself seeing you like that .. Look at you , staring at her for nothing as if waiting for a miracle that she might hit her head or something and falls in-love with you .. I mean this is reality D.O , she just can't be with you .. Accept that .. Time to move on bro .. There's no way you could steal her away from him , not now that he's an official member .. She'll definitely not letting that one go away .." Kai said , though a bit harsh and frank but he was just a little defensive .. Kai cares a lot at me , same as I do towards him .. His been my best friend , since we shared the same room at our dorm ..

My names Do Kyungsoo , they call me D.O for short .. I'm a junior student at Kyunggi High School ..My friends and I went to a different School's .. Why ? We just like to be far ^______^ Were already sick of faces at the dorm , and you want us also to see each around here in school ? No way ! >_______

The girl I was looking with awhile ago , was my crush .. Her name's Bang Min-ah .. She's in the same class with me .. I had this crush feeling towards her ever since we're still a first year , and 'til now I still have this feeling ... I got no chance to go near her , even before ! Nether I would have approach also .. Because every time I see her , my legs weakens .. I'm so shy that I might fall in front of her , if I do showed up in front her if ever .. That's why I am just looking at her from the far off :// in this way I won't get my self humiliated in front of her , at the same I could stare at her anytime I want and with no one telling me not to .. Only my Kai knows my secret .. I trusted him since I know he won't tell ^___^ Though I know he's already tired on telling me to get over her , since he got herself a boyfriend already .. Yup ! She's already taken .. And his name is Im Jae-bum , I know him for his named JB .. Jb and her have been on a relationship since were still a first year student .. Back then she was so pretty until now she got even prettier .. Though Jb's on a different building as we are , he's with the same building with Kai .. Yeah~ their relationship has and age gap , and it's her who's older than him ..

When I reached the dorm , they were all there at the living room playing around -________- funs never stop here , when these guys were around .. Baekhyun , Sehun , Chanyeol , and Chen .. They're the black ships here :P They always starts the fun , and we just go with them whatever they have in mind .. When you're with 4 ships , you'll definitely not getting bored ..

"Ya ! D.O , why did you just returned now ? Were you with hyung ?" Chen asked from the moment I stepped inside ..

"hyung ? who hyung ?"

"Luhan hyung" Chanyeol simply said

"aniyo .. I'm alone , wae ? hyung's still not here ?"

"ani .. ani .. hyung is already here .. that's why we ask you where is he , because he was here with us .." Baekhyun said sarcastically .. And they all began laughing out .. This never said something very serious -__________-

"ohh ! there's Luhan hyung !" Sehun exclaimed suddenly , and I looked at the back since he point .. He was standing behind me .. He just arrived ? He looks tired .. Maybe from his dates again .. He never stops going on a dates .. He's been into a lots of dates lately .. I know it's normal .. What not normal is when you go on a date with a different woman every day -______-

"ohh ? your all here .. great ! I brought a food .. I mean someone !" He said jokingly as a girl showed from behind him

"ehhh ?" we all exclaimed confusedly when he mentioned a food and a girl showed up , then he smiled as he corrects it .. We walk towards the rest and joined them sitting at the floor ..

"annyeong , I'm Ji-eun " she smiled introducing herself to us (-...-) another date I see ... In fairness the girl he always bought here are pretty .. Hyung's taste are really high .. Pretty at the same time sexy .. That's what he always dates a type of girl .. Hyung really gets the girl he wants .. And that's what I liked the most of him .. He's being straight forward !

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