Sophie imagined all her anger going into the rope, crawling through the fibers it was inside and outside of the shield, it was the weakness Sophie found. Ruy shoved with all his might against the shield and Alvar even tried pulling him away, but Sophie wouldn't be heated. Then Ruy screamed and the shields flickered as her inflicting reached him just enough to weaken him. "You sickening vile..." Sophie called them a word her mother, both biological, human and Edaline would of not been proud of. Sophie let loose on the rope making Ruy who had been trying to resist the infliction and pushing against his shield fly back and slam into the other side. Just as quickly Sophie yanked him forward.

"You would try to hurt and capture an innocent creature for your own selfishness?! For your own vile reasons?!" Sophie was screaming now. "Shame on you!" Her eyes sawed at Keefe. "And you! When I get you back I'm going to kick you so bad your great grandchildren are going to feel it? Shame on you Keefe." Sophie screamed before yanking Ruy against the shield harder. Alvar couldn't cut the rope due to the fact Ruy was smashed against the shield, like a rag doll being shook. "Alvar Vacker! When I get to you I'll be sure to pay my respects at your planting." She growled as the shields flickered again. Weakening... Dropping. At that exact moment Sophie realized what she was doing. She let Ruy drop. His eyes dug into her like knives as he yanked the rope off of his oddly bent wrist. Even after the shields drop...what was she going to do?

She certainly could fight Alvar and Ruy and with some luck she might be able to capture them, for the past month she hadn't been sure if Keefe would fight her. But the cold look in his eyes Silveny had showed her, she had no doubt in her mind now...he would fight her. But he was still Keefe. She wasn't ready to fight him yet. Sophie stood still as the three stared at her in fear. Ruy was grimacing as he cradled his broken wrist close. His broken nose was bloody and he had acquired several cuts and he'd be bruised. With a swift jerk of her wrist Sophie yanked the rope out of the shield. Her jaw set and she felt her eyes harden. "Take a message to Fintan...or whoever your leader is for me." She said not recognizing her own voice.

"Tell them I'm coming for you... The Neverseen the leaders. I will wipe the word Neverseen out of history, and I won't let anything stand in my way, even if it's a ogre or Fintan...or Keefe." Keefe looked as betrayed as he was hurt by her words. "I will burn you all down. No matter what it takes." Her eyes went from Ruy, to Alvar to Keefe. She had been coiling the rope up. "I will do what I was created to do." She said heavily, "Leave. Now." She said in a calm voice as she placed the lasso over her neck and under one arm, it hung across her chest. Alvar and Ruy both had crystals and looked at Keefe who stood off to the side, right between Sophie and the Neverseen. Keefe glanced between Sophie and the other two elves. Back and forth.

"This is the last chance I'm giving you Keefe. Go with them and you'll be lost to me forever." Sophie said. Both Alvar and Ruy seemed to tense, as Keefe glanced at Sophie. He saw the resolve in her eyes, the hardness, he could feel her rage teeming through the shields, but he could feel the last of her trust for him dwindling. Turning to the Neverseen he saw Alvar and Ruy, with cold faces. Glancing between the three torn, Keefe took one step. Then another, and another. He couldn't. He just couldn't do it again. He wasn't who Sophie thought he was, he wasn't what he thought he was, but he couldn't lose that dwindling trust.

Ruy's shield dropped from him. Giving Keefe no trouble. "That's your decision?" Alvar asked as Keefe took his place beside Sophie. Not able to look at Alvar, Keefe nodded. Keefe and Alvar had become like brother. So either way he was betraying someone, but if he betrayed Sophie once more she'd lose all trust in him...but so would Alvar.

"Alright then." Alvar said as he lifted his crystal. "My message still remains unchanged." Sophie said lowly, which made Keefe shiver at the coldness. He didn't want to be on the opposite side as her. He didn't want to face her rage that was all but pouring out of her wave after wave. Alvar nodded. "Fine then." Both he and Ruy leaped away. Leaving Sophie and Keefe alone.

Destiny of the Vengeful (KOTLC fanfic) (SOPHITZ)Where stories live. Discover now