The Way of a Ninja

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Chapter 1 "Here's Jimmy"

The night was dark and gloomy in the town of Porterville and I was fast asleep when a loud bang woke me up. By the way, my name is James Newton. Jay or Jimmy for short. Nice to meet you. Now let me continue on with the story of how I became a...well you'll find out soon enough.


Crash! BOOM!!!

"Mom, I'm not ready to get up yet," I mumbled into my pillow. There was no answer so I just figured I was sleep talking, but yet again there was a loud bang like the one I heard before. That better not be my sister, Jenny, making the noise. I thought to myself.

"Jenny, if that's you, I'm going to come down there and make you be quiet!" I said furiously.

I finally got out of bed when I heard the noise again. "THAT'S IT!" I yelled. I opened my bedroom door just to see that the noise was the cat knocking things over.

"What the heck, Norman? I'm trying to sleep in here!" I said. "Why did mom agree to get you?" I asked, wondering why I was talking to a cat.

After I shut the door to my room I turned around and for some odd reason the window was open.

Alright, that's weird. I thought, trying to figure out if I left the window open or something.

I walked over to the window and slammed it shut with a bang. I turned back to my bed intending to lie down and fall asleep but there was somebody already sitting at the edge of the bed. He was wearing what looked like a karate uniform. It was white with a black belt around the waist. He had black hair military style and shockingly cold gray eyes. He had a smile that brought a shiver down my spine. His shoes were black and white like you would wear when jogging. His body was muscled like an athlete and his skin was tan as if he goes out in the sun a lot.

"AHH! Who are you?" I asked cautiously.

"I am Octavius Celestra, Master of the Sword, Lord of the Sky, and the Great Ninja. I have come to collect you or, as you would say, pick you up," he said with a slight grin.

"What are you doing in my room?! And why are you wearing pajamas?" I asked, still freaking out.

"I've come from a far away land looking for my ninja apprentice," the Great Ninja told me, "I was hoping to find him here so I wouldn't have to look so hard."

"Well why would you sneak into someones house in the middle of the night trying to find a ninja apprentice or whatever it is you're looking for? Wait. Where did you come from exactly?" I asked.

"I came from the small village of Chang Nova," the Great Ninja said.

When he said that I knew this whole thing was a joke and I was getting tired of all of this and I wanted him out of my house.

"Get out of my house or I'll call the police!" I yelled.

"I can't let you do that. Come with me and I will teach you the skills to become a Ninja. Since you are the only one who is worthy."

I knew this was all going to be a joke and my sister put this guy up to all of this so I just played along.

"Alright, but I will need time to gather my things," I replied.

"Do what you have to young one. I'll be in your bathroom," he said.

"Wait, what? No don't go in there. I don't know what your going to do in there," I said with a disgusted look on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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