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The tide had just finished there set and i couldn't believe i was dating Levi jones. Honestly today has been such a good day and it's not even over.

"Hey I'm reece"

"Hey I'm George"

"And hey I'm Blake we are new hope club"

"So today we may have made a deal, with a girl in our VIP" Reece says starting to explain what happened in VIP.

"Basically we made a deal we would get 3 fan bring them on stage and kiss them" George says

"We will take it it turns and we will take care of the girls"Blake explains.

"However we have to pick the girls from wow pit" Reece explains.

"So lads let's get in wow pit" George smiles.

So when they get into wow pit they wander around till they eventually come over to us.

"Since it was a deal with you we will kiss your friends" blake says.

"Can I please have this one" George say asking if it's okay to choose grace. I knew that this would be a dream come true for her.

"Em right?" Reece asks em.

"Yeah that's me" she says smiling.

"Would you like to come on stage with me" Reece says.

"Yesss" she says, I can tell she's dying to freak out.

"Em...look I dunno what to say but will you come up on stage with me" Blake says to Abby nervously.

"I would love to" she says blushing.

Now all 3 lads and lasses were heading to the stage so everyone could see them complete their deal.

"Right Reece you can go first" Blake says, so Reece cups ems head and kisses her. The kiss is quite long and passionate.

"Now you George" Reece says as George immediately plants his lips onto graces. they were going for it. They were cute together. They defo done it better than me and Levi.

"How about Blake"George says but unlike the others he asked Abby if she was ready and she nodded. There kiss was magical. You could lit see the sparks. It may have been a short kiss but it was definitely meaningful.

I mean I can't really say anything, but I defo thought this may be the start of a few different stories.



Ooo make out session. Don't worry there might be drama soon 😉 . Hahahhaha

Talya xx

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