I really need to stop swearing

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Hi this part, chapter thingy will not make sense but what the actual fuck. Oh and BTW being cracked by a whip is aloud in this book thing to make things more interesting.

Ari pov.              After walking into class I saw there was no more fucking chairs left, I slowly walked through the door mumbling curse words and stood by my desk waiting for Kirsten to stop ranting on about not using manners. Then inca walked in with 5 fucking pounds of fucking make up on, she smiled at Kirsten and mumbled something in her ear and I bet it was some shit she made up about me. I saw Kirsten slowly turn her valcher like face to face me, she slowly moved her hand and grasped the nearest whip and fuck it was the bamboo one... well that's gonna bruise great.

She slowly walked towards me and grabbed my left hand and turned it so my Palm was facing the ceiling,  she lifted her hand and then CRACK! The bamboo whip flew down and whipped me on my Palm, I tried to hold back tears so I turned and ran outside of the classroom and onto the fields.

My hand was dripping deep red blood onto the lush green grass I cringed at the deep cut made by the whip, I watched the blood slowly ease out of my pulsing flesh (I'm really sorry jazz you may wanna stop reading) I squeezed my Palm so more blood dripped out until I felt dizzy so I lay on the soft green grass until I dozed off.

I felt an arm grasp my side and lift me over their shoulder, they started to walk towards the doctors office, they slowly lay me down on the comfy couch in the waiting room of the office. They slowly walked into a room and asked for a doctor, I felt my eyes slowly droop and an endless sleep take over my body, but I could still hear two voices. One male and one female trying to wake me, I tried to open my eyes but they were too heavy so a made a sort on grunt, moan thing to let them know I was still alive.  I heard I sigh of relief from everyone in the room and another pair of hands grip my sides and lift me into a car to probably bring to the hospital again.

Well inca has tried to kill Ari twice now and she be back in hospital. Yayyyy

Anyway I hope you finished this part and hopefully one of your 'friends' doesn't bully you (it's not the best of feelings to be honest)

Omg I just convinced to the world that one of my friends has bullied me and I didn't try to stop it. I'm soo smart ay

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