Chapter 4 - Purpose Reattained

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Purpose Reattained

   Dark times, the uneasiness of the soul, and the pinnacle of one’s demise all come unglued. A man hindered by fate and the opposition of which he fears most, and yet he waits. A man would go mad, the odds against a gamble of an event that has not come to pass, anxiously hoping for… hope.

   Realization of the worlds’ mobile possibilities is enhancing and transforming into a cosmic phenomenon, new possibilities are coming to life. Even out of all that surrounds us, we seem to be losing more and more knowledge then we should be, forgetting who, we, are.

   “Ugh!” coughing sounds can be heard early in the morning from inside a log home, where Trinidad Amur presently lived. The only one who survived from the ‘Trio-nado’ nightmare. Up on the second floor, inside the bedroom where he slept his nights away, a scarecrow hung bent over on the side of the bed, coughing and crying.

   “What have I done?! Should something like this have happened? What’s happening to me—.”

   “Snap out of it Gregory! Don’t you want to see your wife again?”

   “Who said that? Show yourself!”

   “I’m right here, moron. Look in the mirror behind you. Do you see me now?”

   “You! You made me do this!” he said as he peered into the flickering red eye.

   “We did this, together. It’s a little too late for sympathy. You are devoted to your love, and the only way to see her again is for us to work together.”

   “No! I refuse to act like a puppet while you pull the strings on the sidelines.”

   “Gregory Gregory, Gregory…” He sighs. “Listen to me. We were merged together so that you could get your love back. I am here to help you. You will never be alone as long as we remain together.”

   “This is just so wrong, so very wrong. I can never forgive myself for this.”

   “I’ll take all the blame. Now stand up. Shake away the tears, you look plain disgraceful.”

   “Help me to stand.”

   “Then allow me to take over. We must track down Viscarra Orztanim, but we need to replenish our strength. Unfortunately for you, the only way to do that is to take the life of any living being and drain them of their life force. I hope you do realize this isn’t going to be a ‘quiet’ journey.”

   “Just please spare me from doing any of it.”

   “As you wish, now let’s get back over to that farmer, Trinidad. He’s bound to still have some energy remaining.”

   “But you shot him.”

   “That doesn’t mean he’s completely out of energy. Now shut up and let me do all the dirty work for you.”

   Anister stands up and walks over to the side of the bed. He then places his hands on Trinidad’s dead body and begins to hum. A surge of energy could be felt as it is drained into his body.

   “Mmm aaaaahhh! Refreshing, but it won’t last too long. I think I’ll take his heart for good measure.” He says as he stabs through Trinidad’s chest with his straw-like hands and wrenches it out of his chest. The warm-oozing heart continues to beat as Anister swallows it whole.

   “There’s one last thing that I’ll have to rob you of, Trinidad.” He says as he places his hand over Trinidad’s forehead and begins to hum again. This time, a smaller surge of energy is drained into Anister’s body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2012 ⏰

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