end to a tragic story

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all you could say was the school mourned for a long time.

they moved justin and lilliana's lockers side by side and everyone placed flowers, especially roses after they found lilliana's body barely dressed, but wore a necklace around her neck that had a rose on.

instagram was flooded with posts for justin and lilliana.

twitter was flooded with a hashtag #prayforlibertyhigh and was flooded with a pink heart 💗.

such young love. but so powerful.

so pure.

so genuine.

so innocent.

they have inspired everyone to be a better person.

it's hilarious how it took two deaths to alert everyone.

love is a powerful emotion.

liberty high now has some battle scars just like justin and lilliana both did.

the deaths marked us.

lights out ▻ justin foleyWhere stories live. Discover now