Clarisa replied "He won't like it. He wants you close to him..."

Vienna argued "But he has no issue with you being away. My uncle Arturo is guaranteeing your safety and I am sure he would do the same for me..."

Clarisa smiled "Oh he will do a lot more for you... He would order even more security and bullet proof cars." Her expression then hardened " Its not about security. Tristan will miss you. As it is he doesn't have much time with you. He turns eighteen in August. Then he would even have less time to spend with you because he will be at college with you but as the first born heir, he would have ... commitments. You have to do so much convincing."

Vienna stated " But my parents would say yes. So that should be enough. My mother really likes the idea of sending me away this year. She thinks some distance away from Tristan would do me good. My father won't mind if my mother is happy."

Clarisa looked cautious " Don't tell Tristan that. He wouldn't like to know that your mother is trying to separate you two. Make sure he knows this is all your decision and more importantly you must know this is what you want. I enjoy spending time away from my family and with strangers but I chose it. You must choose it too."

Vienna replied " Its only until July. Seven months is nothing."

Clariaa whispered "Good luck telling him about your decision."

When two glasses of orange juice appeared on the counter, the girls picked up their glasses.

As Vienna turned around, Tristan appeared in front of her.

Vienna smiled " Tristan. You finished talking to Vincenzo?"

Tristan nodded " Yes. You should have told me you needed a drink. I would have ordered it for you."

The sound of the music made it hard for Clarisa to hear their exchange clearly . But all Vienna had to do was to nod, smile and say sorry for leaving her brother's private room with the good view of the dance show on the dance floor. Vienna had found the chance to slip away and take a walk across the club for a change. Same applied to Clarisa. She had managed to escape Vincenzo's close watch.

As Tristan and Vienna walked away, Clarisa sipped from her drink and walked around the place. She spotted Vincenzo suddenly appearing on her path. She rolled her eyes. He was good at navigation. This was his own club. One minute he was at the otherside of the room and the next he was standing with all his glory on top of the steps leading to the great balcony with a fabulous view of New York that Clarisa liked to get to. She tried to ignore him as she walked up the stairs. He gracefully was standing leaning to the railings waiting for her to reach the top.

Clarisa looked into his eyes as she reached the top and stood in front of him " What are you smiling at big wolf?"

Vincenzo chuckled " At you. Red suits you alot."

Clarisa sighed and walked past him. She entered the deserted balcony. She leaned to the glass windows watching the beautiful city at night "I love this view. I wonder why more people dont come up here."

Vincenzo stood next too her and looked at her "Alot of people were turned away by my security when they tried to reach this section. This balcony is booked for you like always."

Clarisa thought back to the previous times she had come to this place. Come to think of it, she was the only one up here when she came up. She turned to Vincenzo "How nice of you? But shouldnt your security take you away too? This balcony is booked for me."

Vincenzo replied "I own the place. What I say goes so I can change the rules when I wish it."

Clarisa looked away again into the distance "Vincenzo. Why don't you just stop chasing me? You have a girl. Go attend to her safety needs. Do you think its wise leaving her open to enemies to strike?"

Vincenzo kept on staring at Clarisa at his side " Vitale has it all covered. He is in New York. All will be in motion soon to reunite with her publically."

Clarisa sharply turned to him "What?"

Vincenzo replied "Vitale is efficient. He didnt tell me anything about it until now. You know, in a few days, there will be a big meeting in New York in Harlem on neutral ground. Its an anuual meeting where the black American ally of your father, Sterling Johnson rules. That's when my paremts return too. Everyone will be there. The allies, Lucianos, Agostinis, Rosarios and even O'Neils... Thats when Vitale would be coming out."

Clarisa gave out a shaky breath "No way. How can he face everyone's wrath?"

Vincenzo put his hands on his hips "My grandfather would help him..."

Clarisa thought she misheard "Pardon? Your grandfather?"

Vincenzo nodded "Yes. He promised to help Vitale. He has kept his promise. He is now in New York and planning Vitale's reunion with Letizia..."

Clarisa put her drink on a nearby table and stood in front of Vincenzo as she shook her head "How do you know all this? How do you know your grand father is helping Vitale?"

Vincenzo stated simply "Because I asked him to get involved."

Clarisa gasped in disbelief.

Vincenzo carried on "A year and a half a go, when I went on the big business trip to Italy I saw him and asked him for help. He said he will help Vitale. But it wont be simple. Thats why... when I came back I told you everything about my feelings. Until then I didnt think I had a chance of ever getting together with you because I never thought Vitale can ever claim Letizia. I thought I was stuck with her forever. I tried to like her. It was torture watching you everywhere and not be able to tell you how I felt and worse than anything not ever having hope. But my grandfather swore to me he will solve the problem. He has unorthodox methods but he will get the job done. No one knows about this. Not even my father. You are the first person I have told. You cant tell anyone..."

Clarisa was looking at Vincenzo in shock. She felt frozen. She didnt know what to react to first. She whispered "No. It cant be true. Are you mad Vincenzo? You cant be in touch with your grandfather...."

Vincenzo frowned " I trust him."

Clarisa urgently spoke "No. You can't. Your father would be heart broken. Your mother would be so upset. You cant trust the man who hurt your family."

Vincenzo replied "He cares for family.  He is human. He must have made mistakes. I have been told by him that he has done alot he is not proud of. Who hasn't? For now, I trust him. He is trying to gain my father's forgiveness but my father doesnt even return his phone calls..."

Clarisa asked "What does that say about your grandfather? Why wouldnt your father answer his phone calls? Why would he cut off all ties? There are good reasons. Your will regret this..."

Vincenzo replied "Terza. Real men dont have regrets. They man up and take precautions so they dont ever regret anything. I have no regrets."

Clarisa asked "This is crazy.... How did you manage to see him in the first place?... ..."

Vincenzo replied "Its a long story..."

Clarisa replied "I have time."

Vincenzo smiled "I am glad you have time for me...." He then reached his hand up and stroked a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear " Do you want to meet my grandfather?"

Clarisa shook her head vigorously "No Vincenzo... You cant be serious. He doesnt like my father and the other Irish mob bosses either way after my father never took his side in the feud with your father..."

Vincenzo replied "Well. He has to get over his hate. Times are changing and you are my Irish beauty..." He then leaned closer and brushed his lips against hers .

Clarisa had many thoughts in her mind. So many fears. What was Vincenzo thinking? Chaos was going to start. What else was on his mind, she wondered.

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Where stories live. Discover now