1: And Then They Meet

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12 chairs aligned in a row, each holding a tied up criminal.

"I'm Ms. Carina. I know I sound nice, but I promise you I'm not. I'm your new boss." The woman in front of them said, a stern and unforgiving look spread across her face. She was wearing all-black and had bright blue eyes, platinum blonde hair cascading over her shoulder. Her heels were as sharp as knives.

There were others near the back of the room, who also faced the 12 delinquents, also dressed in full black. They stood in a large room, which seemed like a basement. There were bright lights only in the middle of the room, hung above the culprits, making everything which surrounded them darker.

They were all there for a reason.

Aries' POV

Who does this lady think she is? Boss? Oh, please.

Like he had read my mind, one of the others that were tied up spoke, "You?" He laughed and continued, "I could eat you for lunch, Precious."

Ms. Carina narrowed her eyes and sauntered over to him. She looked down at the seated boy and raised his head up to look at her. She answered softly but intimidatingly, "You're going to do as I say. Got it, Gemini?" She released his head before walking off.

He yelped in pain, and I realized that as she walked off she purposely sliced his leg with one of her heels. I wondered how she could walk on those things.

"Let's go over the basics first, shall we? Your crimes." She smiled, and headed towards me, since I'm first in the row.

"Release me, bitch." I growled.

"Several small accounts of arson." She announced, ignoring my comment. Everyone turned to look at me. Some people looked proud, others terrified.

She moved on to the girl next to me, who had a small smile on her face. "Identity theft."

She continued to go down the line, "Drug deals, heists, undercover thief...interesting..., political corruption, burglaries, hitman, picking of locks and hotwiring cars, online hacker, code cracker, and heists. What a group of people, hm?"

"You're all criminals. So you must be wondering, why are you here? We need your help." Ms. Carina explains.

"Too weak to do it on your own so you kidnap a bunch of criminal teens." A girl down the line scoffed. She had her dark brown hair cut into blunt bangs and a short bob. I think she's the hitman.

Ms. Carina rolled her eyes and continued, "You'll be living together and training together to fight a highly dangerous gang, run by leader Ophiuchus. Without you, millions of innocent civilians will perish."

"No pressure..." muttered a boy.

"A-And if we don't?" A redhead nervously asked. He's the one who cracks codes.

"You'll be imprisoned for the rest of your life." Ms. Carina said.

There was silence.

Then a boy broke it, the one with the cut leg, Gemini, I think his name is, "Well, there's no way in hell I'm spending the rest of my life in bars, so I'm in."

"I'm in, too." I spoke out confidently. Gemini gave me a smirk. Everyone else agreed to join in, as well, since we really have no other choice.

"Great." Ms. Carina smiled. She turned to some of the people in the back of the room and called, "Bring them to their living area."

Our feet were untied from the chairs and we were brought upstairs.

Aquarius' POV

We were lead to a gigantic room, 6 rooms lining the left wall and another 6 lining the right.

The middle area had couches and a tv; it looked almost cozy. In the back there was a large kitchen and there was also a dining table fit for 12.

"The rooms go in order. On the left it will start with Aries and then go Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, and on the right it will start with Libra and then go Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces." One of the men in all black declared.

After we were untied, we noticed a group of duffel bags in the corner of the room. I unzipped the one with my name on it to find clothing, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and other basic necessities. We all took our bags into our rooms, which also showed the rest which name belonged to which person.

The people in all black left, shutting the door behind them. We all assumed we weren't yet allowed to leave, so we met in the middle and sat on the couches.

"Let's all introduce ourselves. I'll go first-" Gemini started.

"Actually, I'll start." A girl interrupted with a happy grin, "I'm Leo and I'm what they called an undercover thief. I know that doesn't really make sense, but let me explain. I steal an employees uniform and then rob the place. For example, I'd knock out a Wendy's employee, pretend to work for the day, and then at the end, take all the money out of the cash register and never come back."

"That's actually kind of smart." A boy said, "I'll go next. I'm Sagittarius, and I can pick any lock. Also, I love to hotwire cool sports cars and steal 'em. It's a good way to pick up chicks." He shrugged.

"I'm next! I'm Libra and I do burglaries. Sometimes I like to be sneaky and find a way to get in without breaking anything, and sometimes I like to just throw a brick through the window. Oh, and my favorite color is purple." She smiled, and tightened her high-ponytail. She doesn't look like a burglar.

"I'm Aries." A girl started, crossing her arms.

"Oh, you're the arson girl!" I burst out. Everyone laughs a bit. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Yeah, I'm the arson girl. Okay, okay, I know it sounds kinda crazy but here me out. A little while ago, my long-time boyfriend cheated on me with this total skank. I decided I'd get revenge, so I burned down his vacation home in Santa Monica." Aries explained.

"Jesus, you burned down his house?" A boy, Pisces, asked with wide eyes.

"It was his vacation home! At least it wasn't his regular house." She defended herself. I don't know, it sounded pretty crazy...

"I'm Virgo. My parents are politicians, and they somehow roped me into being the mastermind behind all their corrupt plans. And, uh, I have a cat."

"I love cats!" A blonde exclaimed with excitement, "And now that I've spoken, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Cancer and I do heists with Pisces. I've also always wanted a cat."

The boy she said was Pisces spoke, "Yeah, uhm, I'm Pisces. Like she said, we do heists and stuff like that." He didn't say much else about himself.

"So, are you two a couple or something?" Sagittarius asked.

"No, no, no, we're siblings!" Cancer quickly said.

"Let's change the subject. I'm Scorpio, and I'm a hitman, so I'm basically a hired assassin. I also have a cat, and her name is Midnight." She grinned.

"I'm Gemini. I took over my mom and brother's business and became a drug dealer. But before you assume that I'm some kind of junkie, I don't do any of the drugs I sell. And I'm single."

"Good luck with that." A girl beside him laughed a bit and continued, "I'm Taurus. I'm what they call an identity thief. And I'm more of a dog person." She smiled.

"I'm Capricorn. I do all the online hacking stuff. You know, that whole shabang. And this here is Aquarius." He nudged me with a smile. He must've noticed I had started to zone out.

"Oh, I'm Aquarius. Some people call me Aqua. I crack codes really easily." I said.

"What's your fastest time?" Libra asked.

"I don't know. A second?" I answered.

"Dang." She replied, "That's pretty quick."

"All this introducing has made me tired. 'Night, guys." Taurus stood with a smile and walked off to her room.

Everyone else decided to head to bed, too, since it was getting pretty late.

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